CRM Implementation: 6 Steps for a Winning Strategy

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Choosing the correct CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform is the first step to finding success with CRM implementation. However, multiple aspects are required to make these systems work for your enterprise. Customer Stories

Utilizing a CRM software implementation strategy is hugely beneficial to newcomers or veterans in the financial services, remote sales, Saas, insurance, recruiting, and higher education sectors. The way you incorporate these applications into a company can mean the difference between failure and success.

Irrelevant to an organization's size, an intuitive CRM can make client-related tasks simpler to manage.

This implementation of CRM article explains how to implement a CRM, the importance of CRM implementations, steps to implementing CRM successfully, how proper CRM implementations can positively affect a company, and the conventional implementation mistakes to avoid.

What Is CRM Implementation?

The process of introducing CRM software into an organization is called the implementation of CRM. Businesses utilize CRM platforms to track, monitor, and maintain connections with new and old clients.

Increased customer contentment, lead multiplication, and more sales are the primary reasons enterprises love implementing CRMs.

Like all good ideas, the CRM implementation process begins with a solid CRM implementation plan. This arrangement must include expectations, foreseeable advantages, and processes required to get the ball rolling. However, if you want to implement CRM into your business model, it's essential to examine the pros and cons before making a decision. The table below shows the pros and cons of CRM Implementation.



Potential to increase monthly turnover

Can be costly

Streamlines sales activities

Requires a proper setup

Makes collaboration easy

Some CRMs are focused on the sales manager not representative

Automation of mundane tasks

Time waster if the system is not established already

Now that you have a better understanding of the benefits and downfalls of CRM system implementation, it is time to learn how to include one into your organization. Without proper CRM implementation, there'll be plenty of hiccups along the way, costing you time and money.

The saying goes, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” This statement could not be truer when implementing CRM.

How to Implement CRM

How to Implement CRM

When introducing a CRM implementation program, you want to do it correctly. It doesn't make sense to invest significant amounts of money, energy, and time into a CRM without getting results, right? No sane company owner will disagree with this statement.

However, unprepared CRM implementation can quickly overwhelm users, leading them off track of what's supposed to be accomplished. Like any big change, it's useful to break things down into clear priorities and manageable steps.

Here are five steps to consider when implementing a CRM into your organization:

  1. Identify your requirements
  2. Choose a vendor
  3. Understand the various use cases
  4. Create phases
  5. Reassess and make changes

When beginning the implementation of a CRM, ensure you answer these questions:

  • Which area of the business requires an increase in efficiency?
  • What are the most crucial tasks you want to accomplish?
  • Who is the CRM champion?
  • What departments should be involved?
  • Does the project fit within the company's budget?

If you're upgrading or restoring your CRM, answer the following queries:

  • Are your original requirements met?
  • Did the previous CRM achieve the results you wanted?
  • Are there issues within the sales pipeline you wish to rectify?
  • How much are you willing to spend on the project?
  • What are the primary reasons for restoring or upgrading the CRM system?

Acknowledging these questions helps business owners make intelligent decisions before CRM implementation. Ensure you stay ahead of the CRM integration so that staff adapts to the new platform easily.

Importance of Implementing CRM

CRM system implementation is the most efficient method of creating and maintaining relationships with your clients.

The correct tools allow you to focus on building a brand by establishing personal bonds with people. Connecting to customers in this way allows companies to reach new heights previously unattainable.

Once a solid connection is made with the person, it's simple for your business to determine their requirements and offer them an all-around better service. The more organized your CRM implementation strategy is, the more effective and powerful the company becomes.

Most leading enterprises have introduced world-class tools like Ringy into their workplace. The software allows sales teams to manage all their client relationships in a single location. Let's look at nine ways a CRM system implementation can improve a company's profile for the better.

  1. CRMs allow business owners to view and analyze historical data
  2. All customer details are tracked within a CRM platform
  3. Clients can be segmented accordingly using various subcategories
  4. Entering new patron details into a CRM is easy
  5. Most CRMs store information on the cloud, making data accessible no matter where you are
  6. Increase productivity and processing time
  7. Improves customer satisfaction
  8. Gain more loyal clients by remaining on top of their needs
  9. Minimal paperwork is required if the CRM is implemented correctly

Getting prospects in the loop while running a booming business is a challenging task. However, a CRM system implementation can aid in creating new methods of enterprise and CRM marketing operations while improving customer relationships.

Therefore, in this day and age, it's suggested that companies incorporate an innovative CRM platform to satisfy their requirements.

Benefits of Proper CRM Implementations for Your Business

Benefits of Proper CRM Implementations

Simply acquiring a CRM isn't enough. Proper implementation is the key to unlocking its true potential, transforming it from a mere software tool into a strategic asset that empowers your entire organization. Let's look at the benefits that await a well-executed CRM implementation:



Improved customer insights

Single location for all customer data (social media, contacts, sales details) enables personalization and better interactions.

Better prospect categorization

Segment contacts based on criteria for targeted marketing and sales efforts.

Increased customer retention

CRM reminders for follow-ups and appointments help maintain a happy customer base.

Better predictions of the client's requirements

Track buying habits for upselling/cross-selling and proactive engagement.

Higher quality communication

Customizable templates, scheduling, and personalization improve responsiveness and professionalism.

Improved data collection

Built-in GDPR functionality ensures compliance and builds trust with customers.

1 - Improved Customer Insights

A CRM platform is an exceptionally powerful communication tool because it stores all your client information in a single location. Customer support, marketing, and sales teams receive a competitive advantage when utilizing a CRM platform to access important information.

Not only are the prospect's details, such as their social media accounts, website, postal address, contact number, email address, and full name stored on the system, but other vital facts including their birthday, language, and relations to other contacts in your database exist.

This information allows you to customize messages and create a more personal, friendly interaction.

Lastly, all sales details including activities, invoices, customer service requests, contracts, orders, emails, and live chat texts are recorded for reference purposes.

2 - Better Prospect Categorization

Controlling your business without knowing “who's who” can be arduous and time-consuming.

The best way to mitigate this issue is to segment your contact into target audiences. Moreover, a CRM is the number one way to categorize clients for the betterment of your business.

You can create focused lists by breaking down information into criteria and classifications. This segmentation allows you to analyze the sales process and lead pool while performing specific client marketing efforts.

With full details of who you are pitching, you can adjust your sales pitch, offer, or tactics!

3 - Increased Customer Retention

Keeping your customers happy is the name of the game. Apart from nurturing and locating new or potential prospects, CRM is excellent for maintaining a currently satisfied customer base.

The client retention benefits received from CRM seem to be endless. One of the best features of this software is that it reminds business owners when to send follow-up emails and prompts them about scheduled appointments.

4 - Better Predictions of the Client's Requirements

Being prepared assures business owners of their company's potential. Clients' buying habits can be tracked with CRM if a sales representative is upselling or cross-selling a customer.

Providing excellent customer service and proactive ways to engage with patrons make CRM systems an indispensable tool for sales handling. If a buyer had a complaint in the past, it's an opportunity to improve the customer experience. CRM software implementation gives you these insights!

5 - Higher Quality Communication

High Quality Communication

Being responsive to your clients' messages shows that your business is professional. A CRM platform can save time by offering business owners customizable newsletters, invitations, quotes, proposals, documents, letters, and email templates.

Other benefits offered by CRM are SMS and email scheduling, meaning you can plan promotions months or weeks ahead of time.

With all the client's credentials in a single location, it's easier to personalize your messages to better suit their needs. Finally, CRMs like Ringy offer phone calls directly from the platform, making it easier to record crucial data during a person-to-person interaction.

6 – Improved Data Protection

Staying in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is crucial for any business that is using online marketing. A CRM with built-in GDPR-related functionality is the best way to avoid unpleasant consequences if privacy laws are violated.

Your customer's details and permissions (consents) to use their data can be managed with customer relationship management. Updating personal details for categories of contacts, adjusting client subscriptions to email communication preferences, and informing subscribers about storing their data can all be done with a few clicks.

When you handle customer data with respect, it helps build brand trust and credibility. Moreover, CRMs ensure that your messages to followers are GDPR compliant for quicker, safer, and more reliable communications.

Six Tried and True CRM Implementation Steps

CRM Implementation Steps

Irrelevant to your business goals, a CRM platform implementation must match its intended reach. These six steps explain the strategies and time investment required to implement a CRM successfully.

Implementation Steps


Set attainable goals

Define what you want to achieve with CRM and how it aligns with your business objectives.

Find the correct CRM solution for your company

Select the right CRM software based on factors like pricing, integrations, and ease of use.

Choosing your CRM team and assignment champions

Assemble a team with a project manager, champions, engineers, analysts, and developers.

Forecast the benefits and cost of CRM implementation

Estimate the impact of CRM on different departments and track ROI after 12 months.

Capture and import your data

Organize and transfer existing data into the new CRM system.

Train your employees and test the CRM

Educate staff on using the software and identify and resolve any technical issues before launch.

Let's elaborate on the steps so you can understand them better.

Set Attainable Goals

Before implementing CRM, you should have a clear vision of what you want to achieve with the software. Make a list of long-term goals and overall expectations for the CRM implementation, then highlight how the tools provided by the CRM platform will help you realize your dreams.

CRM is integration rather than an accessory or extension to your business. With the new functionality and processes, CRM adds to a company, attaining enterprise goals is easier. Ask the following questions when deciding if CRM is suitable for your organization:

  1. Are you trying to change a process?
  2. Do you want to streamline customer communications?
  3. Will the CRM system match your current business model?

Figuring out your processes first is the initial step before incorporating CRM to manage the entire sales pipeline.

Find the Correct CRM Solution for Your Company

CRM software contains a significant field of options, and the industry is growing at an exponential rate. With the vast selection of CRMs available choosing the right one for your business's requirements may be challenging, and rightfully so. However, there is no correct or incorrect answer when it comes to choosing a platform because companies vary in nature.

Here are some crucial factors that could influence your decision regarding CRM implementation:

  • Pricing
  • Available integrations
  • Relevancy to the business
  • Ease of use

Ensure the initial CRM implementation is simple while considering what future upgrades could demand. An overly ambitious implementation can be a huge disadvantage to businesses deploying CRM for the first time.

Choosing Your CRM Team and Assignment Champions

Once you've selected your desired CRM solution, you can create a team to ensure the implementation correlates with the organization's goals. This group of specialized individuals directs the process of CRM implementation by completing daily actionable steps. Here are the members that should be included in the team:

  • Project manager
  • Champions
  • QA engineers
  • Data analyst
  • System developers

Depending on the size of your enterprise and CRM implementation, multiple people may be required to fill each position.

Forecast the Benefits and Cost of CRM Implementation

Understanding the particular effects a CRM will have on your company is key to making improvements at a later stage. Work with different teams to determine the benefits and downfalls CRM implementation has on a specific department.

After 12 months additional studies are performed to monitor how the team has adjusted to the CRM as part of their daily routine.

Please note that during the various stages of rollout, you may see a drop in production levels. That is completely normal while employees are educated on the system. Depending on the consulting or training options chosen, the general cost may increase too.

Exact metrics give you the information to make accurate future revenue predictions. You can use this data to improve conversion rates and customer retention of even the most difficult of clients.

Capture and Import Data

Organizing your data and importing it into a new system is the most time-consuming process while implementing CRM. Even with a perfect set of messaging services, finances, and patrons, the transfer of information requires multiple weeks.

Incorrect or missing statistics will reduce the effectiveness of your CRM if not corrected.

Train Your Employees and Test the CRM

Getting your staff educated is the most important part of CRM implementation. Without knowledge of these systems, employees may find navigating the software a challenge. Appointing competent CRM champions can help streamline training initiatives with other workers.

Most CRM platforms offer consulting and training programs that let you make the most out of the service. Finding bugs and technical issues during the trial period is recommended before going live.

Glitches are inevitable, but if they are resolved before the system is operational, there'll be very few headaches to deal with.

Common CRM Implementation Mistakes to Avoid

Common CRM Implementation Mistakes to Avoid

We've learned how challenging CRM implementation is if not handled optimally. Understanding where to be proactive during the implementation phases is critical to finding the equilibrium of efficiency and staff adaptation.

Limited Integrations

Choosing CRM that integrates with a tool you already use should be a no-brainer. However, some business owners forget about this rule. Social media platforms, messaging applications, and payment gateways are the most commonly utilized APIs (Application Programming Interfaces.)

Not Setting Goals

This mistake cannot be stressed enough! If you don't have a clear idea of where the company is headed with the CRM implementation, there'll be nothing to measure its success. Monitoring how the new technology is serving the business and setting goals is the best way to find out if the software can help you or not.

Not Gaining Employee Buy-in

Imagine this: you unveil your shiny new CRM, only to be met with a chorus of "meh" and furrowed brows. Why? Because you forgot to involve your team in the process. Implementing a CRM without employee buy-in is like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded – frustrating and unproductive.

Here's how to avoid this:

  • Transparency: Keep your team informed from the get-go. Explain the "why" behind the CRM, how it benefits them and the company, and address any concerns openly.
  • Feedback loop: Don't just talk, listen. Encourage your team to provide input during the selection process and implementation. Their insights are invaluable!
  • User-friendliness matters: Choose a CRM that's intuitive and easy to learn. Complex interfaces will only fuel resistance. Invest in good onboarding and training to ensure everyone feels confident navigating the new system.

Remember, your team is the engine that drives your CRM success. Get them onboard early, and watch your journey become smooth sailing.

Not Using Clean Data

The repercussions of migrating dirty data, laden with errors and duplicates, can lead to chaos, confusion, and potentially inaccurate insights. To avert this data debacle, it's crucial to adopt a proactive approach.

Firstly, prioritize data cleanliness by dedicating time to scrubbing your existing data. This involves the meticulous removal of duplicates, correction of errors, and ensuring consistency across formats. Quality control measures, such as implementing data validation tools and processes, should be in place to prevent future contamination.

Additionally, leverage automation by seeking CRM features that can automate data cleansing and maintenance tasks, ultimately saving time and mitigating potential headaches. Remember, clean data serves as the lifeblood of your CRM. By keeping it flowing smoothly, you ensure that your insights remain crystal clear and reliable.

Failing to Consider Scalability

Thinking your business will stay the same size forever? That's like building a rocket for a single trip to the moon! Your CRM should be able to handle growth, not just your current needs.

Choose a solution that can scale with you, whether it's adding new users, integrating additional features, or accommodating future data volumes. Investing in a scalable CRM now will save you headaches and wasted fuel down the road.

Lack of Integration with Your Current Tech Stack

Your CRM isn't an island. It needs to seamlessly integrate with your existing software ecosystem – marketing automation tools, accounting platforms, communication channels, and more. Disjointed systems create data silos, hinder workflow, and ultimately, frustrate users.

Choose a CRM platform with robust API integrations and pre-built connectors for popular software. Invest in data migration and mapping to ensure seamless flow between systems. Remember, a well-integrated CRM should become the nerve center of your business, not just another silo.


Implementing CRM into an organization helps streamline various company processes. This technology is built to monitor the customer journey from when they enter the sales pipeline until you close the first deal with them.

Moreover, most CRM platforms have multiple integrations, meaning you can connect them to applications commonly used in the business's native environment.

Software like Ringy is helping enterprise owners increase revenue by improving customer relationships. The innovative platform makes contacting clients and recording their information a breeze.

You want your business to be successful, right? It may be time to sign up for a free demo, so you can see how Ringy can benefit your company!

Skyrocket your sales with the CRM that does it all

Skyrocket your sales with the CRM that does it all.

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