Insurance Agent CRM: What You Need to Know

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Keeping track of policies requires a system that collects client data in a centralized database.

So why not stick with something you're used to? Because the job could be way more manageable and efficient if you tried something different.

Insurance agents still utilizing Excel spreadsheets or documents to manage clients may consider an insurance agent CRM platform. The software helps insurance agencies keep track of their policies, quotes, clients, and other data while increasing team productivity.

Agent CRM systems offer multiple tools that help grow companies, such as follow-up email automation, automated marketing, lead management, interaction tracking, and more.

This article explains the importance of a great agent CRM platform, shows how it can improve business ROI, highlights its features, and explores the top insurance agent CRMs on the market.

What Is an Insurance Agent CRM?

An entire insurance agent’s workflow is simplified and automated with customer relationship management software. An agent CRM solution addresses the specific needs of insurance brokers and agencies.

With the correct software, agencies can develop a system that automates marketing and sales tasks, tracks and calculates commissions, manages policies and claims, and organizes their leads. An insurance agent CRM solution eliminates or reduces data entry and removes the need to manage customers on a spreadsheet or physical case folders.


Agent CRM software helps harbor meaningful relationships with users and clients by offering a centralized database which teams can work from.

An insurance agent CRM keeps everyone connected and up to speed on company developments, automates tasks, and simplifies complicated workflows and processes.

How Can a Great Agent CRM Help Businesses Improve ROI?

Insurance companies can stay ahead of the competition by incorporating a robust agent CRM like Ringy into their organization. Ringy can help owners optimize workflows for their insurance company, engage prospects and customers faster, increase productivity, and nurture relationships.

Here are a few advantages of investing in insurance agent CRM software:

  • Onboard employees quickly and effectively
  • Scale the business
  • Track commissions
  • Customize the agent CRM system to meet the company's requirements
  • Identify cross-selling and upselling opportunities
  • Streamline and enhance marketing efforts
  • Deliver personalized experiences to clients and prospects
  • Track claims and policies

Besides these benefits, insurance agent CRM software can segment contacts to keep lists organized and avoid overwhelm. The sales process is streamlined with agent CRM platforms because users can automate tasks that may otherwise be tedious and time-consuming.

This is only the tip of the iceberg of how a great agent CRM system can help insurance companies improve their ROI.

Let's dive into the attributes of insurance agent CRM platforms.

Features of Agent CRM Insurance Software

Features of Agent CRM Insurance Software

It requires more than acquiring an agent CRM or integrating it with an existing tech stack for employees to become more efficient or improve company growth. It’s important to confirm that the agent CRM software is an ideal fit for the organization before implementing it.

To find the best insurance agent CRM software, we recommend ensuring it has the following five features:

Mobile Friendliness

With over four billion people accessing the internet from a mobile device, it only makes sense that mobile compatibility is a must. Mobile insurance agent CRM software and mobile apps, in general, have risen in popularity in recent years.

An agency's employees are likely to be on the move with their smartphones in their pockets. Hence, choosing an agent CRM that offers the same functionality on a mobile device as on desktop browsers is vital to an insurance agency's long-term success.

Below are six key features a mobile-friendly insurance agent CRM application must include:

  1. Responsive design: A responsive design ensures that the CRM can adjust to the size of the device it is accessed from, whether it's a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone.
  2. Camera and GPS integration: Allows agents to take photos, record location data while on the go, and upload that information to the CRM.
  3. Offline access: Employees can access client information even when they do not have an internet connection.
  4. Push notifications: Agents receive information on their mobile devices when a customer's policy is up for renewal or when they need to follow up with a lead.
  5. Integration with other mobile apps: Allows agents to integrate their CRM data with other mobile apps such as calendar, email, and social media.
  6. Mobile data capture: This lets agents capture leads and client information using their mobile devices.

The insurance industry is constantly evolving, and one of the major trends in recent years is the increasing use of mobile devices. More and more insurance agents are using their smartphones and tablets to access information and conduct business, which is only expected to continue.

Marketing and Sales Centralization

What would an insurance agent CRM system be without the ability to streamline sales and marketing efforts? Automating repetitive tasks, such as sending an email to a customer for their birthday, acknowledging client inquiries with a follow-up email, and creating daily, weekly, or quarterly reports, frees up time to craft the best strategy.

Top agent CRM software offers the following features:

  • Automate marketing campaigns
  • Provide a unified view of customer data
  • Aid in visualizing the sales pipeline
  • Centralize lead nurturing
  • Allow omni channel communication efforts

With the ability to perform the above activities from a single work terminal, teams can improve overall efficiency and close more deals. Ensure you check out the complete list of functionalities when searching for a suitable agent CRM system for your business.

Analytical Insights

Analytical Insights

The ability to track customer interaction data and generate reports is a must-have feature of insurance agency CRM software. Sales and marketing initiatives require that teams have quick access to insights to make changes to campaigns or personalized emails promptly. Top Agent CRM software offers an intuitive user interface that can accurately summarize vital customer information into easy-to-understand visualizations.

Besides seamless data visualizations, an agent CRM can also generate detailed reports for customer behavior monitoring, trends, and performance. Agent CRM software with analytical insights provides agents with valuable data-driven insights to help them make better business decisions.

Here are eight critical analytical features that an agent CRM should include:

  1. Lead and conversion analysis: This helps agents understand how many leads they generate and how many are converted into paying clients.
  2. Insights Dashboards: Provides agents with real-time, customizable dashboards that deliver key performance indicators and analytical insights.
  3. Customer segmentation: Allows employees to segment their customer base by policy types, demographic, or other criteria and analyze the performance of various segments to identify growth opportunities.
  4. Sales and Revenue Analysis: This lets agents track their sales performance, revenue, and commissions over time and identify trends and patterns that can inform future business decisions.
  5. Marketing ROI: Enables return on investment tracking of marketing efforts, such as social media ads or email campaigns, so that sales agents can optimize their marketing strategy accordingly
  6. Retention Analysis: Helps agents track customer retention and identify which customers are at risk of canceling their policies.
  7. Integrations with External Data Sources: Allows agents to integrate their CRM data with external data sources, such as Google Analytics, social media platforms, and other systems, to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their customer base and market trends.
  8. Predictive Analytics: Helps agents predict customer behavior and identify opportunities for upselling or cross-selling.

Whether you're in remote sales, higher education, financial services, insurance, or law CRM software with predictive analytics features lets agents identify clients at risk of churn.

Workflow Organization

A centralized database of customer interaction information means that agent CRM software can significantly impact the workflow of a business. Insurance agent CRM eliminates data silos by providing users with a single platform to track and manage client agent exchanges, such as phone calls, SMSs, and emails.

Remaining organized and staying on top of every element of the sales process is critical for sales employees working in the insurance industry. Therefore, incorporating an agent CRM with robust workflow optimization functionality makes the job much more manageable.

Agent CRM systems allow users to sign and attach documents to deals and contacts so that organizing files is less tedious. Important files connected with a specific customer or prospect are stored together for easy access.

Finally, specific agent CRM platforms with workflow automation capabilities allow users to eliminate repetitive tasks utilizing intelligent logic. For example, "if-then" chain events can be automated, so the correct steps are performed at each stage of the sale process.

Integration Support

Having the ability to integrate with programs already in a company's existing tech stack and have them work coherently with one another is a developmental challenge associated with incorporating an agent CRM.

Dynamic insurance agent CRM solutions can integrate with other software employees already use. By doing this, businesses can develop an all-encompassing system that fits their unique criteria.

For instance, if you want analytical insights for email or social media campaigns, these platforms need to be integrated into the agent CRM software. Sales and marketing teams can extradite the data from the CRM platform with built-in analytical tools.

Another example includes integrating your agent CRM with an electronic document management system to handle all document processing and communication activities on one dashboard. Ringy was built to do that more efficiently by providing a platform focused on communication.

Agent CRM software must support integrations while keeping the same level of functionality alongside third-party applications. Ensure the software you choose meets this criterion and you’ll start off on the right foot.

Benefits of Leading Agent CRM

Benefits of Leading Agent CRM

Helping businesses manage customer relationships is the core advantage of implementing an agent CRM solution.

The software helps manage client interactions in various ways, but ultimately, all the benefits are just another means to improve an organization's relationship with its customers.

Targets are always in the back of the mind of insurance agents. However, achieving these financial goals can sometimes be challenging.

That is where an insurance agent CRM steps in.

It's like an intelligent personal assistant for automating sequential tasks and lead capturing to make employees more efficient and productive. Because agents spend less time on monotonous activities, sales numbers automatically increase.

Let's dive into five other advantages of insurance agent CRM software.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Customer satisfaction forms the base of successful companies. Agent CRM software allows agents to understand the client's requirements and provide them with an appropriate service.

With CRM software for insurance, field teams get real-time actionable notifications and alerts regarding meeting reminders, escalations, quote requests, lead allocations, and more while also providing insight into the best action to perform next. A better customer experience is tailored because sales agents can communicate openly with prospects or clients.

Sales executives can gain insights into important customer information, such as preference, birthday, personal, engagement, and behavioral data, and utilize it to increase customer lifetime value with real-time up-sell and cross-sell recommendations.

Secured Customer Data

Keeping private client credentials safe is of the utmost importance to insurance agents. Data security must be considered to avoid unscrupulous or unauthorized people accessing critical customer information, such as home addresses, bank account numbers, or other financial data.

Because this is sensitive information, the data must be secured accordingly. Agent CRM software only makes data accessible to authorized employees and includes built-in security measures. Even verified agents must utilize security protocols like two-factor authentication or passwords to access specific information.

Agent CRM eliminates the risk of manipulation and data tampering while allowing management to set restrictions where required.

Customer Data Management

Prospect and client data is gathered in a centralized database with insurance agent CRM platforms. This alleviates the stress of having to peruse many documents to find out about a customer.

Insurance companies are inundated with large pools of client information. Agent CRM programs accumulate this data and help insurance executives utilize it better. The software allows agents to retrieve any details regarding the customer within a few clicks, improving productivity significantly.

An insurance agent CRM can also automate specific tasks, such as sending renewal reminders or scheduling follow-up calls. This can help agents be more efficient and ensure they regularly stay in touch with their clients.

Improving Communication and Collaboration

Improving Communication and Collaboration

For brokers, working with multiple insurance companies can be arduous, especially when trying to coordinate deals between them. Agent CRM software mitigates this by providing a single work terminal that hosts all the vital interaction data with customers and other insurance companies in conjunction with each other.

CRM user interfaces illustrate insights from interactions data to help the brokers decide the best way forward. Brokers can also set auto-reminders that email clients about renewals directly from the dashboard. This can improve customer loyalty and customer satisfaction score.

The table below highlights agent CRM features that improve communication and collaboration:



Shared Calendars

Agents can see each other's schedules and book appointments accordingly. This aids in ensuring that customers' requests are handled timeously and avoids double bookings.

Internal Messaging

Efficient communications allow agents to stay updated with the latest news or progress on tasks. Internal messaging can also be helpful if employees are working on comprehensive group policies or when an agent requires a colleague's assistance.

Role-Based Access

Managers can assign different levels of access to agents, ensuring sensitive customer information is only visible to authorized personnel

Team-Based Reporting

Supervisors can see the performance of their team and locate areas for improvement. This assists teams in accomplishing their goals sooner while ensuring that the client is serviced effectively.

Task management

Managers can assign, track, and manage tasks among team members, helping to keep the team organized, efficient, and productive.

*This table shows how insurance agent CRM can improve communications and collaboration. Depending on the specific CRM software, the functionality may vary.

Insights into Analytical Data and Reports

The in-depth analysis that agent CRM software offers allow businesses to make an actionable breakthrough in sales performance. Tracking sales or company growth metrics through the software’s dashboard saves time and ensures future scalability.

Users can analyze the quality of leads and monitor regular branch visits to understand where the customer is in the sales pipeline.

For example, agents can instantly view performance reports, revenue forecasting reports, and other visualizations. Managers can identify and establish a winning sales strategy with the team's performance information.

Insurance Agent CRM Pricing

The pricing for an insurance agent CRM can vary significantly depending on the specific software and level of service provided. Insurance agent CRM providers offer various pricing structures based on the necessary level of functionality and the number of users.

A monthly subscription model is a popular option for small agencies or individual agents who only need a few advanced features. This pricing plan charges a fixed amount each month to access the software and is perfect for those starting to utilize CRM platforms because of its low-cost entry point.

Here is a sample table that shows the pricing for an insurance agent CRM:








Contact management, lead tracking, appointment scheduling




Basic features, plus advanced lead management, automated marketing campaigns, and team collaboration tools




Professional features, plus custom integrations, advanced reporting, and dedicated customer support




Customizable features and pricing based on the specific needs of the agency

*Please note that this is just an example of pricing for an insurance agent CRM, and the actual pricing for different providers may vary.

When considering the pricing plans of different insurance agent CRM providers, it is essential to review the features and functionality of each program carefully. It's also important to consider the long-term costs and the potential return on investment that the CRM can bring to your agency.

Take the time to research and compare pricing plans from different vendors to find the best fit for your agency's requirements and budget.

Top 3 Agent CRM for Insurance

Insurance agents have unique requirements when it comes to CRM solutions. They must be able to analyze and manage customer interactions, streamline the sales process, and automate policy claims and renewals.

Here are our top three agent CRM programs for insurance companies.



Ringy is customer relationship management software specifically designed for insurance agencies. Our robust agent CRM system helps businesses streamline their sales process, manage customer interactions, and increase efficiency. Below are three reasons why Ringy is suitable for insurance agencies:

  1. Policy Management: Ringy allows insurance agents to keep track of their customer claims, renewals, and policies in its comprehensive policy management system. Agents can manage their policies from anywhere (via smartphone, laptop, or tablet) to ensure they are always up-to-date.
  2. Customizable: The software is highly customizable, allowing agencies to personalize Ringy to fit their specific processes and requirements.
  3. Integration: With various software and platform integrations, Ringy easily integrates with the software companies already using, making sharing information between different systems easier.

Ringy CRM is a powerful tool for insurance agencies that offers a variety of features and benefits to help streamline operations, improve customer satisfaction, and increase sales.

The software retails for only $109 monthly and includes features such as:

  • CRM + Cloud VOIP Softphone
  • Click-to-Call Dialing
  • Reports + Analytics
  • Call Recording
  • Local Caller ID
  • SMS and Email Drip Campaign Automation
  • Sales Pipeline
  • Lead Distribution & Tags
  • Agent Coaching

With its ability to manage customer interactions, lead management capabilities, and policy and claim management tools, insurance agencies love using Ringy to improve their overall performance and grow their business.

* Pricing as of January 2023.




This platform focuses on sales and marketing automation for insurance agents so that they can concentrate on other essential tasks. Radiusbob CRM makes it easy to access customer data, hence being a preferred solution for insurance agencies.

Users can make calls directly from the CRM with integrated VoIP technology, manage leads, and streamline the sales and marketing process. Here are a few critical features of Radiusbob:

  • Autoresponder
  • Built-in telephony solution
  • Workflow optimization

Radiusbob is a robust CRM system for insurance agencies that increases efficiency, manages customer interactions, and streamlines the sales process. It also has a mobile app, lead and policy management, automation, and integration capabilities that help agents get the job done more effectively.

Entry-level plans start at $34 per agent monthly and increase to $292 per month for larger insurance companies. Radiusbob is a solid agent CRM system that helps individuals and businesses get the most out of customer relationship data.

* Pricing as of January 2023.




Cloud-based agent CRM software, Insly, has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and understand, putting the information agents need at their fingertips. Agents can add clients without a hassle making it excellent as an instant broker portal.

Users can manage tasks, products, customers, and other activities with Insly. Viewing installments, scheduling claims, and active offers are achieved through the software's dashboard, while other features include:

  • Getting quotes and estimates
  • Tracking claims
  • Customer management
  • Insurance policy management
  • Unified data management

Pricing plans begin at $59 per user per month and can increase depending on the individual's specific requirements.

Insly is a solid choice for insurance agencies searching for an easy-to-navigate, user-friendly CRM. It offers various features for managing customer interactions, claims, and policies. The software also has integration capabilities with other systems and provides detailed analytics and reporting tools, making it excellent for improving performance and efficiency.

* Pricing as of January 2023.


Selecting the right software depends on multiple factors, such as an organization's size and the products or services it sells. Insurance companies can benefit from utilizing agent CRM software to stay on their A-game.

Whether managing clients or automating workflows, insurance agent CRM platforms handle everything. A unified solution that integrates with other systems to perform and execute crucial tasks can be highly beneficial.

Ringy is the next-generation insurance agent CRM platform developed around what matters most: communication. The software is feature rich and helps agents build valuable customer relationships, streamline sales and marketing processes, set up SMS or email drip campaigns, and more.

Request a demo to discover how Ringy can grow your insurance business today.

Skyrocket your sales with the CRM that does it all

Skyrocket your sales with the CRM that does it all.

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