10 Expert Tips for Phone Sales that Guarantee Results

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Phone calls are a great tool in your arsenal for sales as they provide the closest thing to an in-person experience.

To ensure success, however, it's essential that you're armed with all of the necessary tips and tricks when using this method - phone sales require thorough preparation!

Did you know that 80% of sales require five or more follow-up calls to close a deal? It's true! But don't worry. With our tips, you'll be well on your way to mastering the art of phone sales.

From learning how to effectively prospect and schedule calls to closing the deal and following up, we've got you covered.

So, ready to finally start seeing results from your phone sales efforts?


Keep reading for ten expert tips for phone sales that will have you closing deals left and right!

What Are Sales Tips on the Phone?

Sales tips on the phone are strategies and techniques aimed at improving a salesperson's performance over the phone. Generally, these tips for phone sales involve developing practical communication skills, including:

  • Active listening,
  • Asking appropriate questions,
  • Probing for relevant information to avoid "yes/no" questions, and
  • Having meaningful conversations that build relationships with potential buyers.

A well-developed sales approach on the phone should include setting clear objectives before each call and reframing objections to turn them into opportunities.

In addition to mastering communication skills, salespeople must also build rapport with customers by being engaging and friendly and demonstrating a genuine interest in their needs.

It is important to remember that phone conversations should always be brief and efficient; talking too much or too little can quickly lose customers' attention.

How to Make Cold Calls

Cold calls are an essential part of any phone sales strategy. Cold calling requires skill and confidence, but the right approach can be a great way to generate leads for your business.

The following steps show you how to make cold calls professionally and effectively.




Before making any cold calls, research the company and the person you will speak with. Understand their needs and how your product or service can benefit them.


Create a script that includes an introduction, a brief explanation of your product or service, and a call to action. This will help you stay on track during the call.


Practice your script a few times before making the call. This will help you sound confident and professional.

Make the Call

You can start by introducing yourself and your company. Then, explain how your product or service can benefit them. Be prepared to answer any questions they may have.


After the call, follow up with an email or another phone call to remind them of your product or service and to see if they are interested in taking the next step.

10 Phone Sales Tips

Phone Sales Tips

Whether you are a seasoned salesperson or new to selling over the phone, these tips for phone sales can help you become more successful.

1. Understand Your Prospects

Before making any calls, research the company and its products or services. Also, clearly understand the features and benefits of what you are selling.

This will help you answer any questions your prospect may have and make you appear more knowledgeable and confident.

Ensure you have questions ready to generate an engaging conversation with the prospect. Additionally, ensure that you know who you are speaking to. Consider if they are in a higher position than yourself, as this will help ensure that your pitch is relevant and personalized.

It's also essential to have all your materials in front of you, such as brochures or pricing sheets, in case you need to refer to them during the call.

Finally, ensure you have all the contact information for your prospects and their respective companies. This way, you can avoid awkward pauses or delays in gathering basic data!

2. Visualize Your Prospect

Taking a moment to think about your customers' situations and what they are looking for from your products or services can help tailor your approach when conversing with them over the phone.

Let's say you are selling a software solution to an IT manager. Visualizing their problems can help you better understand what they need and how your product can solve the problem for them.

3. Improvise a Friendly and Professional Tone

Avoid using slang words when possible, and take care not to be too familiar with the prospect, as this may appear unprofessional in some cases.

It is also important to sound confident when delivering information such as pricing details; this will show customers that you are knowledgeable about the product or service being discussed while instilling confidence in them regarding making a purchase decision.

4. Follow a Script

Follow a Script

We've touched on the importance of preparing a script earlier, and we can't emphasize it enough. Employing a script when conducting phone sales can be incredibly beneficial, as it helps keep the conversation on course and address all of your points.

The most successful scripts include an introduction followed by one or two main points about what makes your company's product stand out from competitors before closing out with an offer or additional information if needed.

This will make it easier for salespeople to move through conversations quickly while providing potential customers with enough information to make purchasing decisions effectively and efficiently.

5. Adapt Accordingly

Adapting accordingly means adjusting your sales technique based on feedback received from prospects during telephone conversations. As you refine your approach, make sure that the core benefits of buying from your business are crystal-clear so that customers choose it over competitors.

For example, if someone mentions that they have budget constraints, offering discounts or customized payment plans could help close out a sale effectively.

Furthermore, having multiple scripts prepared for different scenarios could also come in handy when dealing with different customers and their individual needs.

In fact, personalized CTAs have a 202% higher conversion rate than generic CTAs, which is why it's crucial to be prepared for different scenarios.

6. Don't Discriminate Against Your Competitors

Having competitors should not be a source of worry but rather an opportunity to learn and grow. By studying your competitors and understanding their strengths, you can develop new strategies and ideas that will give you an edge over them.

It's essential to keep up with what other businesses are doing so you can stay ahead of the game. Additionally, never badmouth your competitors or make negative comments about them; this will only reflect poorly on you and could cost you valuable business opportunities.

7. Don't Multitask

Multitasking is often seen as a sign of productivity, but when it comes to phone sales, it can be especially detrimental. When making a sale over the phone, you must focus on the customer's needs and objectives throughout the conversation.

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), multitasking can cost up to 40% of lost time and productivity, so it's best to avoid it if possible. If you're multitasking or distracted in any way, this could lead to misunderstandings or gaps in communication, damaging your relationship with clients and lowering your conversion rate.

8. Stay Confident & Motivated

Stay Confident & Motivated

Confidence is key to making successful sales calls. If customers sense any hesitation or doubt in your voice, they may not trust your product or service as much.

Similarly, staying motivated during every call is critical because it helps to ensure that each interaction with potential customers remains engaging and effective so that leads continue to convert into deals won.

9. Keep A Record Of Your Calls

To refine and optimize your sales process over time, it is critical to document every conversation with prospects. This involves taking precise notes on the prospect and what offers were made, accepted, or denied for all calls done.

Keeping a record of the conversations gives clear insight into any areas that need improvement or growth opportunities regarding customer relations.

Not only does this help managers better monitor rep performance, but it also allows them to identify common issues or challenges encountered during conversations which can be addressed through additional training or coaching sessions if necessary.

10. Follow Up As Needed

Without follow-up, there's no chance of closing deals! Harsh right? But it's truthful!

Reminding prospects of available products/services at regular intervals helps maintain interest levels while also giving reps chances to remind buyers why they should choose their company over others in the market.

Follow-up calls should be carried out reasonably and consistently to ensure the best chance of success.

By considering these ten tips for phone sales, you can make the most out of every call and become a pro at sales by phone!

Cold Calling Sales Tips - A Guide to Success

Cold Calling Sales Tips

Making cold calls is an essential skill for salespeople but can be intimidating, and that's why 48% of salespersons find it one of the most challenging aspects of their job.

However, with some practice, cold calling can be masterfully accomplished—and even enjoyable!

Cold calling requires a lot of practice and knowledge, so here are some tips for phone sales to make successful cold calls:

1. Conduct Pre-Call Research

Before you call, find out everything you need about your customer. This includes their age, interests, needs, and what they already know about your product or service.

Knowing this information will help you speak to customers in a way that makes them feel special and understood.

2. Prepare a Script

Cold calling scripts provide structure and help during conversations that can be difficult to navigate.

When creating a cold call script, include an introduction about yourself and your company, a brief explanation of the product or service you are offering, possible objections you may face, and a strong call to action.

For instance, you could start by introducing yourself and your company. This can be done in a few sentences:

"Hey there! I'm ____, and I'm calling from the awesome team at _____. We're all about giving businesses like yours the best possible _____ services, and we're here to help make your life easier and more successful!"

After that, you should provide an overview of the offered product or service. This should only be a few sentences long and should identify the key benefits of the offering.

Lastly, address potential objections and provide a call-to-action that clarifies what you would like the customer to do next. This could involve inviting them to learn more on your website or scheduling a free consultation.

3. Pick the Right Time to Call

Cold calling can be incredibly annoying. Hence, it's crucial to call during a time that is convenient for customers. Picking the right time to call can significantly increase the effectiveness of cold calls.

  • For example, if you know that the person you're calling is typically busy in the morning, it might be better to call in the afternoon when they have more free time to talk.
  • Similarly, if you know that the person you're calling is typically unavailable in the afternoon, it might be best to call in the morning when they're fresh and ready to talk.
  • If you anticipate the person you're calling might be under pressure, it's wise to wait before dialing until they are calmer.

Overall, taking the time to consider the best time to call can help ensure that your cold calls are more effective and lead to more successful conversations.

4. Learn to Handle Rejections and Objections

Learn to Handle Rejections and Objections

While 41.2% of salespeople agree that phone calls are the most effective sales channel, cold calls are often met with rejections and objections. As a salesperson, it's your job to handle these gracefully and professionally.

The best way to do this is to listen attentively to customer concerns and respond directly with helpful information addressing their needs or issues. For example, if they tell you that your product is too expensive, reply with an explanation of the value your product can bring or ways you can help them save money.

Remember to be respectful and polite when speaking to customers. It's okay to disagree with a customer, but do it in a way that doesn't offend or come across as aggressive.

5. Don't Pitch Right Away!

Many customers are put off by salespeople who jump straight into their pitch without first getting to know the customer and building trust.

Instead of immediately launching into your spiel, take some time to get to know the customer and discover what kind of products or services they're interested in. Ask the customer questions about their situation and needs, and use that information to tailor your pitch accordingly.

You can use a light but engaging greeting to start the conversation, such as asking your prospects how they've been or how their day is. This will help put them at ease and make them more likely to engage in a meaningful dialogue with you.

6. Use a Voicemail Message

According to a TNS Survey, 75% of Americans don't pick up calls from unknown numbers. If your calls go unanswered, you can use a voicemail to leave more information about your company and the product or service you're offering.

Your voicemail should be brief and should include only pertinent information. Ensure you clearly state who you are, why you're calling, and how they can reach out to you if interested.

Keep the message conversational, and include a call to action that encourages them to contact you. Try to keep the voicemail under 30 seconds so it's short and precise for your prospects.

7. Use a CRM System

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is invaluable for salespeople. It allows you to track customer interactions and manage customer data in one centralized hub. This can help you organize your contacts, set reminders, and stay on top of conversations with prospects.

With a CRM system, you can quickly access relevant information about your prospects, such as their past purchases and conversations. This makes it easier for you to tailor your sales pitch and provide more personalized customer service.

CRM systems also let you track your phone sales performance. You can quickly review calls and look at metrics such as call volume, conversion rate, and average talk time.

This information can help you identify areas for improvement and optimize your phone sales strategies.

8. Follow Up

Follow-up calls are a great way to keep the conversation going and remind prospects of your offer.

Make sure you plan when to reach out after your initial call. You may want to wait a few days before you follow up because calling too soon can pressure prospects. When you do call back, make sure to introduce yourself and remind them of your previous conversation.

How to Improve Sales by Phone

How to Improve Sales by Phone

Phone sales can be a great way to reach out to potential customers and increase revenue. However, it does require specific techniques and strategies that may not always come naturally.

Here are some tips on improving your sales by phone:

Tips for Phone Sales


Prepare Thoroughly

Know the product or service you're selling, have some good sales points ready, and be prepared to answer questions about pricing and any other topics that may come up.

Listen Carefully

Don't just listen for the answers you want. Try to understand the customer's perspective. This will help you tailor your pitch and ensure that it is well-received by the customer.

Stay Confident

Demonstrate your belief in the product or service you are selling by exhibiting verve and excitement - this will help to boost customer confidence. Speak clearly and be sure to emphasize the benefits of buying from you.

Ask Questions

Asking good questions shows that you're listening and can help you better understand the customer's needs and what they are looking for in a product or service.

Be Polite

Make sure to end your conversations positively and thank the customer for their time. This will leave them with a good impression of you and your company, which could be beneficial down the road.

5 Phone Sales Skills Every Sales Person Needs

Phone Sales Skills Every Sales Person Needs

Regardless of the type of sales job you have, there are specific phone sales skills that every salesperson should possess to be successful. Let's look at some of these essential phone sales skills:

1. Effective Communication

A great salesperson can clearly and effectively communicate their product or service to customers over the phone. They must be able to explain features and benefits concisely and answer any questions or objections that may come up.

2. Active Listening

Active listening is a crucial skill for salespeople as it allows them to identify customer needs and tailor their sales pitch accordingly. Not only will this help you close more deals, but it will also make your customers feel more engaged and appreciated.

3. Persuasion

Persuasion is the ability to convince others to buy what you're selling. This requires effective communication, active listening skills, creative thinking, and problem-solving abilities to address customer concerns.

4. Goal Setting

Salespeople should be goal-oriented and know how to set realistic goals for themselves. An effective plan can help you stay on track and focus on the essential tasks to maximize sales.

5. Adaptability

In sales, it is essential to be flexible and promptly adjust to changes in customer demands or market trends. Pivoting and adjusting your sales pitch accordingly can help you stay one step ahead of the competition.

Best CRMs for a Sales Person on Phone

CRMs are essential for sales teams, especially when it comes to phone sales. The right CRM can help you track customer calls, monitor progress, and organize data in a single location. Here are some of the best CRMs for salespeople on the phone:

Ringy (That's us)


Communication is key in phone sales, and Ringy offers a comprehensive suite of tools to make it easier. This CRM helps you track customer calls, schedule follow-up meetings, and customize your sales outreach.

Plus, it integrates seamlessly with other essential business software to facilitate billing, sales tracking, and more.

Here are some features that make Ringy stand out:




Ringy provides an effective calling system with features like call forwarding, tracking, scheduling, and real-time analytics.


Automating calls is easier with Ringy. You can set up automated calls and reminders, assign tasks to team members, and more.

Lead Management

Keep track of leads with Ringy's advanced lead management system. It helps you track how your leads are doing, who they're interacting with when they need follow-ups, and more.

Contact Organization

Your sales by phone are only as effective as your contact organization. Ringy makes it easy to keep all your customer contacts in one place, and you can customize how they're organized.

Overall, Ringy is one of the best CRMs for salespeople on the phone. It's intuitive, user-friendly, and packed with features that make it easier to close more deals.

The combination of automation, lead management, contact organization, and calling makes Ringy a great choice for any salesperson looking to maximize their results on the phone.

Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM


Zoho CRM is a popular CRM system that offers various features to help salespeople manage their contacts, leads, and deals. One of the key features of Zoho CRM is its integration with other Zoho apps such as:

  • Zoho Mail,
  • Zoho Calendar, and
  • Zoho Reports.

This allows salespeople to easily manage their emails, calendar appointments, and sales reports directly from within the CRM. Additionally, Zoho CRM offers a variety of automation options, such as lead scoring and web forms, to help salespeople streamline their sales processes and follow up with leads more effectively.

Freshworks CRM

Freshworks CRM


Freshworks CRM is a cloud-based CRM that aims to help small and medium businesses manage their sales, marketing, and support operations. It allows you to manage your leads, contacts, deals, and customer information in one place.

It also has advanced contact management features, including:

  • Lead capture forms,
  • Lead scoring, and
  • Advanced reporting capabilities.

The software also includes a built-in phone system and call center software, with features such as call recording, call routing, and automatic call distribution to help salespeople manage their calls more efficiently.


Phone sales can be challenging, but with the right tips, you can guarantee success. By following our ten expert sales tips on the phone, your team will have an easier time connecting and engaging with customers.

Your next step should be implementing a CRM, which provides you with all the tools necessary to make phone sales successful. And with Ringy's powerful features, such as call tracking capabilities and automated dialing, you'll find yourself closing more deals than ever!

So don't wait any longer - get started today and watch your business grow!

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