Creating a 30 60 90 Sales Plan [Step by Step Guide]

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So you're a sales rep starting a new job, hey?

Or maybe you've just been given a shiny new territory to work with and want to show your boss that you have what it takes to crush it.

We get it, you're bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to hit the ground running and make those sales.

But you've got to be smart about it.


There's a well-known principle that salespeople are often aware of, called the Pareto principle, that states that 20% of a company's salespeople produce 80% of that company's overall sales.

You obviously want to be part of that 20%, but before you do that, you've got to learn the ropes, which includes discovering which metrics are important to the company and yourself, learning about your customers, and otherwise figuring out how you can sell the most effectively.

Sounds like a great objective, but what's the best way to achieve it?

By following a comprehensive sales plan.

Because as every great salesperson knows, you can't just walk into a new sales position, whether that's with a new company or taking over a sales territory you've never worked with before, without a solid plan on how you're going to tackle sales.

A sales plan is basically a schedule that helps you prioritize tasks and set specific targets and objectives that you'll want to achieve.

But to be effective, you want to create more than just a general outline. You want to get specific by digging out your SMART goals, researching, and much more. That's where the 30 60 90 Sales plan comes in.

Let's start by defining what it is and then go from there.

What is a 30 60 90 Sales Plan


As a salesperson, when you start a new sales job or are given a new territory to target, your manager will likely want you to create a 30 60 90 day sales plan. This plan aims to outline the goals you want to accomplish within the first 30, 60, and 90 days of selling.

In short, a 30 60 90 day sales plan is a three-month strategic approach to selling that helps salespeople establish sales goals and outline the steps that they'll take to achieve those sales goals.

A 30 60 90 day sales plan is also an effective tool for helping salespeople stay accountable.

And pro tip, managers also love seeing salespeople be proactive and create a 30 60 90 sales plan presentation when they start a new job or gain a new territory since it shows that the salesperson is ready to sell and take responsibility for their performance.

You can customize your sales plan to suit your needs and the needs of the business you work for, but a typical 30 60 90 day sales plan will look something like this:

30 60 90 Sales Plan


Days 1-30: Understanding

Days 31-60: Implementation

Days 61-90: Optimization

You'll likely spend the majority of your time during this period learning about the company or new sales territory, including who your customers are, what their pain points are, and how your company's products or services provide an effective solution. You'll also learn more about your competitors and what solutions they provide, and how your company's solution differentiates from theirs. Using this information, be sure to note key points about your company's product or services that you can highlight that you think will be useful to mention to potential customers.

Now that you know the product or service and your customers, you'll likely start wading through the trenches and finding new leads. Your process at this point won't be perfect immediately, but you're still learning and developing your outreach techniques, so getting feedback and changing your approach as needed is a good way forward.

At this point, you should have good information from your efforts that you can use to make decisions about your approaches to selling. You also might want to reach out to any customers that you've started relationships with just to check in.

Benefits of a 30-60-90 Sales Plan

It's crucial that new salespeople, whether they are new to the company or just new to a particular sales territory, have all the sales tools and information they need to be successful. Part of that includes creating a 30 60 90 sales plan, which provides the following benefits:

Helps Make a Good First Impression

Sales are all about first impressions, and there's a lot to go around in a sales environment. Not only does the salesperson want to make a good first impression on their customers, but also on their manager as well, especially if they've just started a new job. On the other hand, a sales manager should want to make a good first impression on a new salesperson, to show them that "this is a good company to work for and you have great earning potential here."

A 30 60 90 sales plan helps foster great first impressions all around:

  1. If a salesperson creates a 30 60 90 sales plan presentation to show their manager, it highlights that salesperson's commitment to selling, complete with measurable goals
  2. If a sales manager creates a 30 60 90 sales plan for a new salesperson, it shows transparency with expectations and a commitment to ensure that the employee gets a good start
  3. Armed with a comprehensive sales plan, a salesperson is likely to be more confident because they have structured, clear expectations to follow rather than being thrown to the wolves with unclear expectations and goals

Sets Expectations During Onboarding

Any employee, salespeople included, should never be in doubt about what is expected of them in a new role. With a 30 60 90 sales plan, whether the salesperson creates it themselves and receives manager approval, the plan is created by their manager, or the creation of the plan is a joint effort, clear expectations regarding learning, sales, and process optimization can be clearly established from the beginning.

Helps Salespeople and Managers Keep Track of Performance in a New Territory or Job

Surprises are good for parties, but not so much for your sales job. A 30 60 90 day plan for a new sales territory or job is the perfect way to keep track of performance. As data from outreach, leads, and sales comes in, everyone can clearly understand how things are going and make adjustments as needed. This means that if there's an issue, let's say with the effectiveness of outreach or the number of overall closed sales, it can be identified quickly, and action can be taken to rectify it.

Helps with Time Management

When a clear map of goals and timelines to reach them is available, it's much easier for salespeople to stay on track with their deliverables and ensure there's enough time available to reach important milestones.

For example, suppose a milestone is set at the 30-day deadline for a meeting between a sales manager and salesperson to determine where they're at with understanding their territory, customers, and/or the company's products or services via a report. In that case, the salesperson knows that they must set aside time to gather their notes and potentially create a presentation in preparation for that meeting.

Allows Data-Driven Decisions to be Made Regarding Sales Strategy

Not every approach to sales will result in smashing success, and that's ok. By using data from a 30 60 90 sales plan, data-driven decisions can be made regarding adjustments to your sales strategy, giving the salesperson the best opportunity to fine-tune their approach to sales over time.

5 Steps to Create a 30/60/90 Sales Plan

Sales Plan Guide

1. Research Your Company, Competitors, Customers, and Products or Services

You won't get very far in sales if you don't do your homework first. Customers respond well to salespeople that demonstrate competence by taking the time to do their research on the customer, their pain points, and the company they work for beforehand.

With Ringy, for instance, a salesperson can see conversation history via a specific customer dashboard. This is especially useful if said salesperson just took over new territory and needed to get the lowdown on the company's current relationship with that territory's customers. This information is extremely valuable for showing a customer that you've taken the time to do your homework and learn about their previous history with your company, rather than relying on them to tell you everything during your first conversation.

In addition to researching your customers, you should also understand your company's products, services, and competitors well. With this information, you can make effective recommendations to your customers that make sense and be prepared to face potential objections.

2. Identify your Own Priorities

You'll want to make sure that your own professional priorities are clear in your 30 60 90 day sales plan. It's true that during your first 30 days, your main goal is likely to learn about your company, the products that your company sells, and its competitors, which should be listed in your plan. However, it's also likely that you'll want to get more specific with what exactly your priorities should be throughout your 30 60 90 day plan, like completing onboarding and training within the first week, becoming familiar with the company's values and mission, etc.

3. Be Realistic with Setting Goals

You don't want to sell yourself short, but you don't want to be too ambitious too quickly either. When you're developing your 30 60 90 day sales plan, you have to be able to balance which goals you can realistically accomplish without selling yourself short. You might need some input from experienced sales reps or your manager here to set achievable goals, especially if you're new to the company.

4. Ensure Your Sales Goals Align with Your Company's Goals

Do you know and understand your company's goals? Sure, your company wants you to sell, but chances are the actual company goals are more robust than that, like increasing overall revenue year over year by at least 20%. So let's say you're part of a team of 10 salespeople, and your territory historically earns 2.5% of overall company sales. That's a big territory and a lot of sales you're responsible for, so if you set your own sales goal at let's say 1.5% for the year, that likely isn'neededng to cut it, or it'll put more pressure on the rest of your team to make up the difference.

5. Ensure Your Goals Align with Your Team

Speaking of sales teams, it's important to ensure that your goals also align with the rest of your team. Going back to our previous example, let's say that you set a sales goal that was a bit lower than your territory typically produces within a given year - but you've done so because a few of your big accounts in the area have downsized their operations or moved on to a competitor.

Sales territories don't stay static forever, there are always changes with accounts with either client moving on or new entrants into the area. That's why it's important to discuss these changes with the rest of your team (and chances are they're experiencing the same fluctuations) to ensure that everyone's on the same page with regard to expectations and goal setting.

30 60 90 Days Sales Plan Examples

Sales Plan Examples

Example #1: 30 60 90 Day Plan for New Sales Territory

Day 1-30:

  • Determine any competitors that exist in your territory
  • Determine customer demographics information and industries that they work in
  • Determine how many potential customers are currently in your territory, which is the Total Addressable Market (TAM) and where each account is located within that territory
  • Note if there is any new accounts that have been added since the territory was created
  • Determine the geographic boundaries of the territory (where it starts and ends)
  • Categorize customer accounts based on overall spending, or Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
  • Determine potential spending power of new and existing customers
  • How many other sales reps are assigned to your territory (if any) and what their current relationships are with various accounts
  • How big your Share of the Market (SOM) is, and how much your company can reasonably acquire
  • If there's any accounts that have untapped opportunities for sales, for instance new locations, recent growth (this would be the Serviceable Available Market, or SAM)

Day 31-60:

  • Analyze potential leads, and nurture existing accounts to further qualify and prioritize them
  • Further segment your market into categories using SMART goals (in the case of sales, you're looking at Sustainability, Measurability, Accessibility, and Responsiveness)
  • Conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis of your territory
  • Create action items (e.g. add at least one new customer account in the next month, develop a relationship with the top account in the territory)

Day 61-90:

  • Gather data (likely from your sales CRM) and adjust strategies by seeing where you and your team saw success, and where you didn't
  • Review individual accounts and determine if there's any areas where service could be improved
  • Implement sales automation tools as needed to streamline any aspect of your sales process (e.g. send an automatic email when a customer successfully completes a lead gen form on your website)

Example #2: Sales Onboarding 30 60 90 Day Plan

Day 1-30:

  • Complete onboarding documents and gain an understanding of company values and mission
  • Develop an understanding of corporate policies and procedures, your role on the sales team
  • Develop at least an intermediate level of knowledge of products and/or services
  • Knowing where the product or service your company offers fits within the target market
  • Knowing who your customers are, including reviewing marketing personas
  • Developing relationships with key stakeholders within your company, such as customer support management, sales leadership, and other sales team members
  • Reviewing any relevant CRM data

Day 31-60:

  • Starting to develop leads, and keeping track of them as they move through the sales funnel
  • Have a more in-depth understanding of your company's products and/or services (depending on complexity, this could still be considered intermediate-level knowledge, but starting to get into a high-level understanding)
  • Development of an outreach strategy
  • Listening in on ongoing sales calls with experienced team members
  • Making a few sales calls of your own, with a manager available for coaching if needed (with Ringy, a manager can listen in on sales calls and provide real-time coaching without the customer being aware)

Day 61-90:

  • A complete list of managed leads
  • A set daily schedule for prospecting and sales calls
  • Received feedback from a sales manager and taken steps to action it if necessary
  • Closed at least one deal
  • Established relationships with a few key customer accounts

Example #3: 30 60 90 Sales Plan for Team Leads and Managers

Day 1-30:

  • Gain a complete understanding of company goals, mission, and values, as well as the products and/or services you and your team will be selling
  • Gain a complete understanding of the company's policies, procedures, and current sales processes
  • Learn about your team, including their professional strengths and weaknesses, and identify any opportunities for improvement, including additional training
  • Learn which accounts and territories each member of your sales team is responsible for, including how much revenue each customer account brings in, and if there are any identifiable opportunities for increase CLV from any of these account
  • Talk to your sales team, discover any current pain points, process improvements, and determine what is needed for your team's success

Day 31-60:

  • Establish relationships with key stakeholders within the company
  • Work closely with marketing to align sales strategy with marketing endeavors, and ensure that you build a lasting and solid relationship
  • Work to establish a trusting professional relationship with your team by being transparent, admitting when you don't know information, and demonstrating your skills as a sales manager
  • Continue to monitor and gather data regarding sales and team performance

Day 61:90:

  • Gather data and prepare it for analysis
  • Use data to make decisions regarding the effectiveness of sales strategies, including what is going right and what is going wrong, where improvements can be made, and any opportunities for future growth
  • Review each team member's performance and ensure that they are staying on track
  • Create and communicate any changes in sales priorities, process improvements, strategies, and any other changes that your sales team should be aware of

30 60 90 Days Sales Plan Templates

Sales Plan Templates

Sales Onboarding 30 60 90 Day Plan Template

HubSpot's 30 60 90 sales plan template keeps information simple and straightforward with an easy-to-follow format:

What You Want to Accomplish Within 100 Days

A new hire should accomplish the following expectations within the first 100 days of their employment as a sales rep (list as many expectations as necessary):

  1. Expectation #1
  2. Expectation #2
  3. Expectation #3

Month 1: Date - Date

Building off of the list of expectations you created above, the first month should focus on the salesperson getting oriented with the company and getting situated in their position. Sales goals shouldn't be the focus here, as the main goal within the first 30-days should be the salesperson learning about the company, the products and/or services they'll be selling, and their customers.

Goals, deliverables, measurements for success, and resources provided should all be listed:

  • Goals: Goal 1
  • Deliverables and how success is measured: How success is measured
  • Resources: Links to any helpful resources

Download HubSpot's Sales Template

30 60 90 Sales Territory Plan Template

The 30 60 90 day plan for new sales territory template from Xtensio helps you create a visually appealing plan that can be easily shared with stakeholders and includes:

First 30 days:

  • Learning about customer personas
  • Identifying and learning about competitors
  • Identifying top accounts

31-60 Days:

  • Defining sales goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Identifying top leads
  • Building a sales schedule

60-90 Days:

  • Gathering qualitative feedback
  • Analyzing results

Download Xtensio's Sales Template


Preparing for a new sales job or taking over a new sales territory in your company can be daunting, but with a well thought out 30 60 90 day sales plan, you can ease stress by setting out expectations in advance.

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