A Guide to Lifecycle Marketing [Strategies, Benefits & Software]

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Lifecycle marketing is an essential tool for any modern business. It is a customer-centric approach to marketing and sales that considers customers' specific needs and allows firms to leverage lifecycle touchpoints.

These touchpoints can help businesses maximize sales, increase customer loyalty and gain more insight into customer behavior.

But there's more to this concept of marketing than just segmenting customers. To take full advantage of lifecycle marketing, this guide will go over the following topics:

  • What is lifecycle marketing?
  • What lifecycle stages are involved in lifecycle marketing
  • Why should businesses utilize lifecycle marketing strategies
  • How does a lifecycle strategy increase marketing profit
  • What campaigns should companies use to reach different lifecycle stages
  • Benefits of lifecycle marketing
  • Customer lifecycle marketing software
  • Examples of lifecycle marketing for both B2C and B2B businesses

It seems we've got quite a mountain to climb ahead of us.

But don't worry! This detailed guide will make lifecycle marketing a piece of cake. Let's dive right in!


What is Lifecycle Marketing?

Lifecycle marketing is a marketing technique that uses specific strategies to engage customers at different stages of the buying lifecycle. It's an approach that enables you to use other tactics tailored to each customer's lifecycle stage to increase their lifetime value (CLV).

Lifecycle marketing integrates customer lifecycle stages into a single marketing strategy to help target the right message to customers at the right time. It can be used to increase engagement, acquisition, and retention of customers, as well as to increase conversion rates.

Companies that use lifecycle marketing focus on the customer lifecycle, understanding how each stage is different and requires another type of engagement. By optimizing each stage, companies can optimize their overall marketing strategy and maximize their return on investment (ROI).

Examples of companies with a shorter cycle, like B2C, focus on building customer relationships by offering discounts and promotions to keep them engaged. Companies with a longer lifecycle, such as B2B, may focus more on educating their customers about their products and services over time.

Let's look at the customer lifecycle marketing stages and how to leverage them effectively.

4 Marketing Lifecycle Stages

Marketing Lifecycle Stages

Generally, customers move through four stages during their customer journey, which may vary depending on the industry.

Stage 1. Reaching Out & Engaging Customers

Awareness is the first stage of customer lifecycle marketing, and it's all about identifying and reaching new potential customers and engaging existing customer segments.

Marketers use tactics to attract new customer prospects, such as creating content campaigns, offering incentives, and utilizing customer segmentation to focus on customer retention and optimize customer lifetime value.

Ads, emails, loyalty programs, customer surveys, and customer events are just a few activities to engage customer segments. If you understand the importance of brand awareness, you'll know that this lifecycle marketing strategy can either be used as a customer acquisition or retention strategy.

Stage 2. Nurturing & Cultivating Relationships

This second stage of customer lifecycle marketing is about providing customer education and building customer relationships.

Marketers use various tactics to drive customer loyalty, such as creating personalized campaigns, delivering relevant content, and providing customer service.

Nurturing and cultivating relationships with your customers is an integral part of leading them to purchase. This is especially crucial considering that 63% of lost customers are due to them feeling ignored or undervalued.

Offering customer rewards and loyalty programs, customer support initiatives, customer feedback surveys, and customer education are just a few incentives you can use to nurture customer relationships.

Stage 3. Conversions & Sales

You've worked hard and smart in the previous customer lifecycle marketing stages. Now it's time to reap the rewards!

The third stage is all about customer conversions and sales. You want to ensure that customers are taking the desired action of buying your product or service. This stage is where customer loyalty turns into customer profitability.

The focus should be on driving customer purchases, upselling and cross-selling products and services, increasing customer lifetime value (CLV), and obtaining customer feedback and retention.

Your customer lifecycle marketing strategy at this point should include campaigns that cultivate customer loyalty, such as loyalty programs. Consider a loyalty-based reward system for customers who regularly purchase from your business.

Additionally, customer segmentation here becomes crucial as you need to create tailored campaigns for each customer persona. This will help ensure your customer base receives the right message at the right time and help boost customer conversions.

Finally, customer feedback can refine customer experiences and marketing strategies or campaigns. Encouraging customer reviews and testimonials are a great way to gauge customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Stage 4. Retention & Advocacy

Retention and advocacy are the final stages in customer lifecycle marketing. Once the customer feels valued, a lasting relationship is established, which usually leads to repeat business and referrals.

Customers must be further engaged with campaigns that show appreciation for their loyalty, encourage additional purchases, and recommend products to others.

At this stage, your brand should focus on building lasting relationships with other business or customers.

With customer lifecycle marketing, you can ensure that your customers stay engaged throughout their journey and remain loyal to your brand for many years.

What Is Customer Lifecycle Marketing?

Customer lifecycle marketing is a customer-focused approach that seeks to create customer loyalty and boost customer lifetime value.

It uses the customer's journey from the first engagement with your brand to becoming a customer, continuing to be a customer, and eventually becoming an advocate for your brand.

Each stage of this process is referred to as a customer lifecycle stage, and it is this customer lifecycle that marketing seeks to manage.

The customer lifecycle typically consists of five stages:

  1. Awareness
  2. Consideration
  3. Purchase
  4. Loyalty/Retention
  5. Advocacy

The customer first learns about your product or service (the awareness stage), considers whether it's the right fit for them (the consideration stage), and then makes a purchase (purchase stage).

The customer then enters the loyalty/retention stage, where they are encouraged to become repeat customers and can be rewarded for their loyalty.

Finally, the customer may reach the advocacy stage-where they spread your message to others through word-of-mouth marketing or social media.

Marketing strategies to engage and retain customers vary at each customer lifecycle stage. This includes campaigns such as email marketing, personalized content, customer loyalty programs, referral programs, and more.

As explained above, the main goal of customer lifecycle marketing is to turn prospects into customers and encourage them to remain loyal. By doing so, customer lifetime value increases, and customer acquisition costs go down.

Lifecycle Marketing Strategy Defined

Lifecycle Marketing Strategy

A well-crafted lifecycle marketing strategy encompasses both customer service and marketing objectives, so you can provide customer satisfaction while also achieving marketing goals

A good example of a customer lifecycle marketing strategy is utilizing customer segmentation to target the right customer at the right time. This can be done by analyzing customer data such as customer type, preferences, and purchase history.

The lifecycle marketing strategy defines how to nurture customer relationships across the entire customer journey.

The customer lifecycle is divided into four key stages:

  1. Customer acquisition
  2. Customer activation
  3. Customer retention
  4. Customer loyalty

Each of these customer lifecycle marketing stages requires different approaches and strategies to best nurture customer relationships.

Customer Acquisition Strategies

When customers are in the acquisition stage, you must convince them that your product or service is worth investing in.

You should focus customer acquisition strategies on customer education and engagement to draw them in.

Customer Activation Strategies

Once customers have discovered your product or service and decided to purchase, customer activation strategies should help them get started and quickly understand how the product works so they become comfortable using it.

This helps ensure that customers continue their journey down the customer lifecycle.

Customer Retention Strategies

Customers feel important, respected, and valued in the customer retention stage.

Customer retention strategies should focus on customer engagement, service, appreciation, and feedback.

Customer Loyalty Strategies

Finally, customer loyalty strategies help to further strengthen customer relationships by creating experiences that make customers feel appreciated.

This is done by engaging customers, listening to their feedback, and rewarding customer loyalty through special offers or programs such as customer loyalty points.

Utilizing customer lifecycle marketing strategies for each stage of the customer lifecycle can provide customer satisfaction while optimizing your marketing efforts.

Lifecycle Marketing Campaigns Inspirations

Lifecycle Marketing Campaigns Inspirations

Once you've identified the customer lifecycle stages that work for your business, it's time to develop campaigns and initiatives that engage customers.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Campaign 1. Onboarding Customers

Onboarding is the process of introducing new customers to your business and helping them get acquainted with what you have to offer. This could include an email series, a customer success page on your website, or customer onboarding videos.

At this stage, customers have gone from being interested in your product to signing up to become customers. A successful onboarding process will keep them engaged and ensure they have the best experience with your business.

To ensure maximum conversion, we recommend the following best practices:

  • Make customer onboarding emails easy to understand and informative.
  • Personalize customer onboarding videos to your customer's needs.
  • Create customer success pages on your website that explain the benefits of using your product or service and how it can help them achieve their goals.
  • Offer customer onboarding support to ensure your customers get the most out of their experience.

Campaign 2. Expansion

Once you have identified customer needs and created a successful onboarding process, it's time to focus on customer expansion. At this stage, you need to identify ways to deepen customer relationships and increase their loyalty.

To do this, you need to understand customer behavior and create campaigns to help build customer trust and brand loyalty. Here are some ideas:

  • Create customer loyalty programs such as discounts or rewards for repeat customers.
  • Offer customer referrals to encourage friends and family members to become customers.
  • Send customer surveys to get customer feedback and understand customer needs.
  • Run customer education courses to help customers get the most out of their experience with your product or service.

Campaign 3. Retention

Once customer acquisition is complete, the customer lifecycle marketing process will move on to customer retention.

This phase of lifecycle marketing focuses on maintaining customer loyalty and engagement by providing them with value-added services or offers that help meets their needs.

During this stage of marketing, some best practices to keep in mind are:

  • Strengthen customer relationships through loyalty programs, discounts, and other offers.
  • Utilize email campaigns to send personalized messages tailored to different customer segments.
  • Engage customers with content like product tutorials, webinars, and podcasts.
  • Offer special promotions that are only available to existing customers.
  • Measure customer satisfaction regularly and adjust accordingly.

Campaign 4. Win-Backs

Win-backs are a marketing campaign that you can use to get customers who have already bought something from you to buy again. These customers have gone through your customer lifecycle marketing process and made a purchase before but haven't purchased again.

Win-back campaigns should focus on customer needs and provide customer incentives to encourage customer loyalty. Here are some ideas:

  • Offer customers an exclusive discount or promotion code.
  • Personalize the message to emphasize customer lifecycle marketing.
  • Increase engagement with follow-up emails, surveys, and polls.
  • Send customer re-engagement emails with exciting content and updates about your product or service.

The most important thing to remember when setting up win-back campaigns is that customer engagement should be the ultimate goal.

Benefits of Customer Lifecycle Marketing

Benefits of Customer Lifecycle Marketing

There are numerous benefits to implementing a customer lifecycle marketing strategy. Some of the top benefits include:

1. Aligns with Customer Journey

Lifecycle marketing is a strategy that helps match your marketing campaigns with the different stages customers go through.

From the initial awareness to the consideration and purchase stages, lifecycle marketing helps create meaningful customer experiences that lead to conversions.

For example, you can send customers product recommendations during the research phase or create post-purchase surveys to find out how to improve your products and services. This helps provide an engaging customer journey where customers feel valued and appreciated.

2. Increased Retention Rates

The main goal of lifecycle marketing is to keep customers engaged and interested in your brand over a more extended period. According to HubSpot, businesses only need to retain 5% more customers to see over a 25% increase in revenue.

You can look at and do a few things to increase your customer retention.

  • First, look at the customer lifecycle funnel and see where customers drop out or disengage. This will tell you what kind of lifecycle marketing campaigns you should create to retain those customers.
  • You can also create campaigns that reward loyal customers with discounts on products or services, exclusive access to content, and exclusive deals. This is a great way to keep your customers engaged with your brand and returning for more.

Finally, you can also focus on understanding customer lifetime value and create campaigns tailored to each customer's needs. This will help ensure that your lifecycle marketing campaigns effectively increase customer retention.

3. Increased Sales and Profits

Lifecycle marketing can increase your sales and profits in a few different ways. First, it helps you target customers more likely to purchase from you. By focusing on customer lifetime value and understanding each customer's individual needs, you can create campaigns that are most likely to resonate with them.

Second, lifecycle marketing helps increase customer loyalty and engagement, which can lead to more repeat purchases. By creating campaigns that reward loyal customers and provide regular updates about your products and services, you can keep customers engaged with your brand over a more extended period of time.

Finally, lifecycle marketing also helps to increase customer referrals. According to Nielsen, 77% of customers feel more inclined to buy or use a product if it was recommended by friends and family.

Therefore, you can easily increase your sales and profits by creating campaigns that reward customers for referring your products and services to their friends and family.

4. Cost Savings

By targeting customers who have already shown interest in their products and services, companies save money they would otherwise spend on attracting new, potential customers.

Additionally, by creating campaigns tailored to each customer's needs, companies can save money on the costs associated with creating and executing new campaigns.

5. Improved Insights

Customer insights are essential for businesses to understand what customers want and need. By gathering customer data through lifecycle marketing campaigns, companies can gain valuable insights into their target markets that help inform future decisions.

Businesses can use these insights to develop more effective product and service offerings, create better customer experiences, and make more informed decisions about marketing investments.

With the proper implementation of lifecycle marketing, businesses can reap the benefits for many years.

Customer Lifecycle Marketing Software You Should Use

When it comes to customer lifecycle marketing, using the right software makes all the difference.

As we now know, the benefits of customer lifecycle marketing are numerous as described above.

But if you don't have the right software in place, you won't be able to take advantage of all these benefits.

So, here are some of the customer lifecycle marketing software that we recommend:

Ringy (It's us)


With Ringy CRM, you get advanced customer segmentation capabilities and complete control over your customer engagement strategy.

Our software also offers impressive personalization features, allowing you to fine-tune your campaigns for maximum impact.

Some of the other features of Ringy include:



Calling, SMS, and Emailing

Communication is key when it comes to lifecycle marketing. With Ringy, you can send SMS, calls, and emails to your customers with ease.

Moreover, you can also customize the messages you send to each customer according to their lifecycle stage.

Data Insights

Having access to data is essential if you want to make sure your lifecycle marketing campaigns are successful.

Ringy gives you access to actionable data insights that can help you better understand customer behavior and make more informed decisions for your lifecycle campaigns.

Tailored Reports

With Ringy, you get customized reports that allow you to track customer lifecycle performance and evaluate your lifecycle marketing campaigns.

Analytics Suite

Our analytics suite helps you gain valuable insights into customer behavior and campaign performance.

This allows you to optimize future campaigns for improved engagement and ROI.


With this feature, you can seamlessly integrate Ringy with your existing marketing platforms.

Customization & Automation

Personalization is essential in lifecycle marketing, which is why automation tools are the perfect way to help you create dynamic customer journeys.

Automation tools enable marketers to set up campaigns quickly and efficiently and tailor them exactly how they want.

User-Defined Customer Lifecycle Management

With Ringy, you can define customer lifecycle stages and create automation flows to target customers at each stage.

By doing this, you can design your marketing strategies around customer trends and what they like.

While a CRM differs from a customer lifecycle marketing software, Ringy is an exceptional all-in-one solution for businesses of all sizes. This is because it not only assists in nurturing current customers but also helps segment and attract new ones.

For example, businesses can use Ringy's built-in customer segmentation capabilities to target customers who have not yet purchased from the company and deliver tailored offers.

With such comprehensive features, Ringy is a powerhouse customer lifecycle marketing solution that can be used to deliver better customer experiences and improved engagement.




HubSpot is a customer lifecycle marketing software popular among small and medium-sized businesses. It simplifies creating, managing, and optimizing campaigns for customer engagement.

Some of HubSpot's features include:

  • Lead nurturing tools to turn prospects into customers
  • Intelligent segmentation tools to target specific types of customers
  • Customer journey mapping for better engagement
  • Analytics and reports to track customer behavior.

In addition, HubSpot provides its users with an intuitive dashboard that offers real-time data updates and insights into your customer lifecycle marketing activities. This makes it easy to track performance metrics and optimize campaigns accordingly.

Overall, HubSpot is a comprehensive customer lifecycle marketing software for businesses of all sizes. Unlike Ringy, it does not offer calling, SMS, or emailing features but focuses on customer segmentation, personalization, and analytics.




Salesforce is an effective CRM that can be used as a customer lifecycle marketing platform. It offers advanced analytics to help you gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior.

The platform also provides powerful segmentation tools that can be used to personalize campaigns for specific customer segments. Plus, it has an intuitive dashboard that allows users to view key performance metrics in real-time.

Salesforce also offers automation features such as automated onboarding and customer nurture campaigns. These help to streamline customer lifecycle marketing processes and ensure that your campaigns are more effective.

Salesforce is a good CRM for customer lifecycle marketing with powerful segmentation, personalization, analytics, and automation capabilities. It's a great choice for businesses of all sizes looking to take their customer engagement strategies to the next level.

These are just some of the customer lifecycle marketing software you can use for your business. Each platform offers different features, so do your research and choose the one that best fits your needs.

With the right software in place, you'll be able to take full advantage of lifecycle marketing and maximize the impact of your campaigns.

B2C Lifecycle Marketing Examples

Now that you know the basics of lifecycle marketing, let's look at some examples from a B2C perspective. Companies like Amazon and Uber are great examples of companies that have mastered the art of lifecycle marketing.

But how? Let's look into the specifics of different customer lifecycle stages and the corresponding campaigns they implement.

Example 1: Amazon



Amazon's lifecycle marketing strategy is highly successful. They target customers at different customer journey stages to drive repeat purchases and engagements.




At the awareness stage, Amazon leverages emails, advertising campaigns, and customized product recommendations to introduce new customers to the brand.

Engagement & Education

Amazon leverages product videos, customer reviews, and exclusive deals to engage customers and educate them on the features of its products.

Closing and Sales

Amazon's lifecycle marketing strategy is focused on conversions.

They use targeted offers, discounts, and coupons to encourage customers to make a purchase.


At the post-purchase stage, Amazon offers loyalty programs that include rewards for repeat purchases, personalized content such as email notifications, and recommendations based on customer purchase history.

This allows Amazon to keep customers engaged and drive repeat purchases.

Example 2: Uber



Uber is another great example of a company that leverages lifecycle marketing strategies. They use data-driven insights on customer behavior to craft customized campaigns and offers to drive engagement.




At the acquisition stage, Uber launched promotional campaigns to attract new customers by offering discounts and special deals.

Engaging & Educating

To keep customers coming back, Uber offers programs with rewards for long-term customers, such as free rides and significant discounts.

Closing and Sales

Uber leverages personalized emails and offers to drive customer purchases.

They also use lifecycle marketing techniques such as subscription-based packages and referral campaigns to increase conversions.


Uber also uses data-driven insights to send highly personalized emails and notifications to customers to keep them engaged.

This helps Uber retain their existing customer base and convert new leads into paying customers.

Example 3: Netflix



Netflix employs lifecycle marketing strategies to keep customers coming back for more. They use data-driven insights to personalize the viewing experience and create customized campaigns based on customer needs.




At the onboarding stage, Netflix offers new users free trials, promotional deals, and special discounts to get them interested in their content.

Engagement and Education

Netflix uses lifecycle marketing strategies to encourage customers to interact with its content.

They send tailored emails, notifications about new releases, and personalized recommendations based on customer preferences.

Closing and Sales

When customers are ready to upgrade their subscription plans, Netflix will send them relevant offers, including better prices and additional features.


Finally, when customers show decreased engagement or have been inactive for some time, Netflix sends personalized recommendations and messages through email to re-engage them.

The lifecycle marketing strategies utilized by Netflix have proven effective, with customers actively engaging with the platform and enjoying their content for longer.

Their customer lifecycle marketing process also helps them efficiently track customer data and target specific audiences with suitable offers and messages.

B2B Lifecycle Marketing Examples

B2B lifecycle marketing involves utilizing different strategies and campaigns to target businesses in the various stages of their customer lifecycle.

It is an effective way to build relationships, communicate with customers, increase marketing success, and generate more leads.

Unlike B2C marketing, B2B lifecycle marketing will focus on different strategies tailored to fit a business-to-business context.

The following are some of the common B2B lifecycle marketing examples.

Example 1: Microsoft



Microsoft uses lifecycle marketing to win over new customers, upsell existing ones, and retain customers in the long run.

They offer free trials for their software products and have different pricing plans for businesses of various sizes. Let's see how they segment other companies from the awareness stage to the retention stage:



Awareness Stage

Microsoft targets potential customers with educational and promotional content, such as webinars, case studies, and whitepapers focusing on how their products can help businesses grow.

Consideration Stage

They offer free product trials for existing and prospective customers to experience the features of their products before making a purchase decision.

Purchase Stage

Microsoft offers different pricing plans to fit the budgets of businesses of all sizes.

They also provide online customer service and tutorials for customers who need additional support.

Retention Stage

Once businesses become loyal customers, Microsoft uses lifecycle marketing strategies such as loyalty programs, exclusive events, promotions, and customer surveys to keep them engaged.

Example 2: Salesforce



Salesforce is one of the leading customer relationship management (CRM) platforms. They use lifecycle marketing campaigns to drive conversions and grow their business. Here's how:



Awareness Stage

Salesforce creates content such as blog posts, ebooks, and videos demonstrating its product features.

They also host webinars to answer customer questions and provide more information about their products.

Consideration Stage

To build trust with potential customers, Salesforce offers free CRM trials. Customers can try out the platform for 30 days before deciding if it's the right fit.

Purchase Stage

Once customers are convinced of the features and benefits of Salesforce, they can purchase a plan that best fits their needs.

They also offer discounts to businesses that purchase multiple plans.

Retention Stage

After customers become loyal users, Salesforce continues to engage them with lifecycle marketing campaigns such as customer loyalty programs, free online training, and live chat support.

These are just a few examples of how B2B businesses can use lifecycle marketing to increase customer engagement and maximize their marketing success.

By leveraging customer lifecycle marketing software, businesses can track customer interactions, measure the success of different campaigns, and adjust their strategies as needed.


Congratulations on making it to the top! We appreciate your patience and support.

At this point, the benefits of lifecycle marketing are clear. By implementing a comprehensive strategy, businesses can segment customers into different lifecycle stages and create tailored campaigns that resonate with their target audience.

This helps them build relationships, engage customers, increase marketing success, and bring in more revenue.

What's even better is that customer lifecycle marketing software makes it easier to track customer interactions and measure the success of campaigns. This is where Ringy comes in.

Ringy provides a comprehensive suite of tools that enable businesses to manage their lifecycle marketing campaigns and maximize their marketing success. Try it out today and start driving more conversions!

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