6 Reasons Why Your Sales Team Should Be Using a Call Log Monitor App

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Successful sales require calls. Calls to prospective leads, follow-up calls, and calls for closing deals.

But you know that already.

What you might not know is the psychological phenomenon that could be holding your team back when it comes to making calls: call reluctance syndrome.

While this commonly happens to new sales reps, even veteran sales teams can struggle with making calls. Some 40% of veteran sales reps lose sales due to call reluctance. Yikes!

Call reluctance syndrome has never been more relevant than it is today. Why? Because there are more channels for connection and that increases the likelihood of rejection. This can increase reluctance when it comes to making calls.

Never mind all the other hang-ups (pun intended) sales teams can face. Getting caught off guard during a call, losing the client or lead information, inability to organize calls, lack of follow-up, lack of data—the reasons are endless.


We can’t promise you a legal settlement like the TV commercials if your team suffers from call reluctance syndrome, but there is a solution:

Call monitoring software.

In case you might be asking yourself how call monitoring software can help your team solve all of this, don’t worry, because today we’ll cover:

  • Introduction to call log monitor
  • What is call monitoring software?
  • How and when to use a call monitoring system
  • 6 reasons your team should consider using call monitor software
  • How to implement a call monitor app within your sales team
  • Call log monitor success stories
  • FAQs

Feeling reluctant to read further? Then take a deep breath, and relax. We’ll be here to help you every step of the way.

Introduction to Call Log Monitor

Call Log Monitor

Call monitoring systems are exactly what they sound like: a system that tracks and monitors calls. You already have one and have been using it for years. It’s on cell phones and caller ID systems too.

In sales, it’s a management tool many businesses have been utilizing for decades. Call log monitors to allow calls to be monitored for quality purposes, coaching opportunities, and more. They track incoming and outgoing calls, the duration of calls, and the origins of calls.

Most modern call log monitoring systems like Ringy are cloud VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). VoIP by simple definition is a calling system that works via internet connections from anywhere on the planet. To get a better idea of what a VoIP is, think Zoom.

Remember way back when cell phone service was spotty, at best? Free cell service started after 9 PM and texts were billed per character?

We’re way past all that with the capabilities of call log monitoring. None of that cranking your neck or standing on a park bench to keep cell phone service during a call or dropped calls in the middle of an important negotiation

That’s good news for you because, for one thing, it means no more sore necks! More importantly, for your team, it means that anyone can tune into a call from anywhere as long as they have an internet connection with a call center monitor.

Most importantly, call monitor software squashes call reluctance syndrome by offering your team the tools to navigate every call successfully.

What is Call Monitoring Software?

Call Monitoring Software

Call monitoring software is a computer program that tracks all incoming and outgoing calls. This software is used to implement robust calling features like:

  • Voicemail
  • Call forwarding
  • SMS
  • Caller ID
  • Conference calling
  • Call analytics

More features of call monitoring software include providing detailed analytics of things like call resolutions, reasons for a call, how long it took a representative to solve the issue on a call, and even what type of a device a call came in from.

Why does all this matter?

Because the data call monitors collect offers two crucial points of interest for businesses:

  1. The efficiency of your sales reps and teams
  2. Insights about the customer experience

These features can be game-changing for sales teams.

If you still aren’t convinced that you need this software, consider this simple cost analysis. By now you should know that the best call log monitors use VoIPs. In today’s modern world, you can’t do business effectively with a stable internet connection.

Compare this to the cost of setting up and maintaining multiple landlines for the same capabilities. Never mind the added cost of ensuring the whole team has a business phone at their desk. Factoring in added expenses here like headsets and other related accessories.

Simply put, you’re already paying for your internet service. Why not save more money by adding a call monitoring software that uses the already bought internet connection instead of paying for another service with a landline?

It’s a no-brainer.

How and When to Use a Call Monitoring System

Let’s make this as simple as possible.

This software is for:

  • Call center supervisors
  • Sales reps and managers
  • Quality control teams
  • Upper management

Again, making this as simple as possible, it’s easy to see that call monitoring software can be used by pretty much anyone within your sales team or management.

Here’s a brief overview of how you can use call monitoring software.

Call Monitoring Features

What They Do

Call whispering

Allow team leads to speak to sales reps without customers knowing

Call barging

Allow supervisors to join calls

Call monitoring

Allow calls to be listened to without callers or sales reps knowing

If we’re going to be very specific, using a call monitor app is easy peasy. Simply:

  1. Open the app from your phone or computer
  2. Click to call

Still not convinced yet?

We thought you might say that. So we came prepared with a bonus reason.

Using a call log monitor can increase ROI. We know you want that.

How? By keeping a record of calls, you keep track of leads and important lead data. This is important since 80% of prospects that eventually buy are originally marked as bad leads.

Book a demo with Ringy today for a step-by-step guide on how you can integrate call log monitoring into your existing tech stack.

6 Reasons You Should Consider Using Call Monitoring Software

Call Monitoring Software Considerations

Let's recap what we already know.

  • Sales teams are suffering from call reluctance syndrome
  • Call monitor software increases efficiency and customer experience
  • VoIP systems like ours save money

Call monitoring systems track all incoming and outgoing calls. They provide SMS capabilities, call recording, caller ID, and call analytics. Some provide automatic dialing services and call transcripts too.

Why is this important for your team? Because, among other things, you can’t manage what isn’t measured.

On average, it takes 18 calls to connect with a prospective lead. Having the ability to track call analytics and store lead data has the potential to cut this number down drastically.

That means that your sales reps have more time to generate leads and close sales because they have customized data for businesses and customers.

If that isn’t enough, these systems help decrease agent ramp time and meet quality control standards, too. In short, they benefit everyone from brand new customers to the upper echelons of management teams.

Still not convinced?

The call monitoring software industry was valued at over 30 billion dollars in 2020 and has a CAGR of 15% until 2027. This should tell you that now is the time to implement call log monitoring software like what we offer here at Ringy.

On to the meat and potatoes of why you need a call monitoring system:

  1. Recording data
  2. Quality assurance
  3. Continuity
  4. Optimizing sales strategies
  5. Increased productivity
  6. Training purpose


Not that kind of potato, Sam. What we meant to say was these are the essential reasons why you need call log monitoring software.

Recording data

Did you know that 79% of leads don’t convert?

Access to data from call logs can change this by providing automated and streamlined information to help teams gather lead information and nurture your leads all the way through your sales pipeline.


By recording data, trends can be identified. Is there a peak time for incoming calls? Which strategy has worked best? What sales rep is seeing the most success using what call script?

The analytics provided from this data helps sales teams build successful strategies for profitable and consistent selling.

Data recording capabilities offered through call log monitoring software also provide information to sales reps about where customers came from. This matters for globalized selling because what works for one region may not work for another.

As if that’s not enough, consider the infamous 80/20 Pareto Principle. If we apply that to sales, 80% of revenue comes from 20% of customers. Having access to this data means the strategies that work can be replicated and the strategies that aren’t working can be revamped.

Quality assurance

Quality assurance

The ability to store calls means that those calls can be listened to and analyzed at a later date. Using call log monitoring software allows either external or internal quality assurance teams, managers, veteran sales reps, or new hires to listen to those calls, too.

Why is this important?

Because listening to previous calls or even a call in real-time provides a good gauge of overall customer satisfaction and efficiency of sales reps.

What does this mean for your team?

It means that sales cadences and training can be tailored accordingly and that over time your sales tactics can be tweaked based on the ability to gauge CX and the efficiency of your sales reps.

Call monitoring software ensures that the quality of calls stays consistent because call quality logs are stored in cloud-based systems (like ours!).


Continuity matters for two big reasons:

  • Staying on-brand
  • Keeping the whole team consistent

Remember those mid-day lunches and late-night meetings from Mad Men? Staying on brand and ensuring that all members of the sales team knew what was expected of them is what made Don Draper so successful.

Luckily, we don’t have to rely solely on those tactics anymore (or male chauvinism in the workplace). But in our internet-powered world, staying on brand and providing consistent services and selling is more important than ever. It was true for Don Draper and it’s still true today.

Staying on brand is one of the key factors to successful sales. So important in fact, that more than 50% of customers report that they left a brand that wasn’t meeting their needs.

If staying on brand sounds like a buzzword, consider that without this continuity, selling spaces could be limited. Not only that but no continuity means poor marketing, too. No one wants that with the increased demand for and success of social selling

Having the ability to provide continuity with CX, sales cadence, and sales calls is crucial to any sales team’s success.

Any team can do this with the right call monitoring system.


The capabilities of call log monitoring software provide a blueprint to follow.

New sales rep? No problem, they can jump right on board and most importantly on brand. Team member, that just came back from maternity leave while changes were made within the company? Also no problem.

Call monitoring apps allow everyone to stay on brand, no matter the situation. Ultimately, this increases the likelihood that every customer and every lead has the same positive experience.

Plus, continuity across the team will increase profits, too.

Just imagine how much more successful your team could be at staying on message with call log monitoring software.


Optimizing sales strategies

Optimizing sales strategies

Access to recorded calls (whether successful or unsuccessful) with a call monitoring system provides crucial data for building a sales plan.

Think about it…

Let's say you’re building a sales plan for the new year.

As part of the plan, you want to start a drip campaign because you read that companies using this tactic saw a 20% increase in sales.

Sure, you can embark on that endeavor in the dark by just guessing what customers want, but it’d be a lot easier with a light huh?

Call monitoring software is that light. Why? Because it provides all the data you already rely on for executing your sales plan and elevating your team to the next level. Plus, it includes tools that let you clearly visualize your sales pipeline.

This matters all the time of course, but it’s especially important for global selling, campaign management, and special events like holiday-specific sales.

A call monitor app provides recorded and transcribed calls and demographic data from your existing customer base to help sales teams build cadences and strategies that work every time.

Increased productivity

Recording data, quality assurance, continuity, and optimized sales strategy are what we’ve covered so far.

See where do we go from here?

Answer: productivity. Because this software increases productivity like you wouldn’t believe. Here’s how.

Automated CRMs with built-in call log monitoring software reduce the amount of data a sales rep must transcribe and record. How? By automatically tracking all the contact details, follow-up information, and of course, the recording of the call itself.

Ultimately, this means your whole team can focus more time on selling and less time on repetitive and time-sucking admin tasks. This is good news for you since most sales reps spend most of their time on these redundant but important operations.

Why does this matter in the long run?

Increased productivity is great for obvious reasons, but when your business does well, it’s a morale boost for the whole team. Increased productivity also means that overall CX improves, too.

With a boost in morale, team members will be eager to hit their targets and less likely to fall into the trap of call reluctance syndrome.



By now you should have a good idea of how call log monitoring systems can help with training so we’ll keep this short.

It takes an average of 3 months to train a new sales rep.

This is a serious drag on your business’s time and resources.

Call monitoring decreases this time by providing scripts and examples of successful strategies.

This isn’t just important for the new hire, either. The capability to record and monitor calls provides a blueprint for call scripts, both the successful and unsuccessful ones. This is critical when it comes to nailing your sales pitch and converting leads.

Customers are always going to come up with new ways to make your sales reps scratch their heads in confusion.

Luckily, call monitoring software training materials can be easily and quickly updated to keep up with the industry and organizational changes. This means you can stay up to date on all the newest trends and streamline your onboarding process, thereby reducing anxiety amongst your new hires and the stress of on-the-job training for your existing reps and supervisors.

How to Implement a Call Monitor App Within Your Sales Team

Here at Ringy, we know every sales team has unique needs. Because of that, we offer a different approach than most other companies when it comes to setting up CRM software with call monitoring. We won’t simply send a link to a video and a big bill that leaves you stuck on hold.

We’ll take the time to walk you through setting up your software show you how we can help. Here’s how.

You tell us all the details about your business. We want to know about your unique needs, challenges and goals. Then we’ll walk you through all the ins and outs of how our call monitoring software can best serve your team.

With our call monitoring software you get:

  • Local IDs
  • Progressive dialing capabilities
  • Ability to take calls from your phone OR platform
  • Ability to coach and support your team remotely or in-person

Call Log Monitor Success Stories

Don’t just take us at our word. Here’s a call monitoring software success story featuring Ringy!

Call monitor review



We know that making decisions for your business and your sales team can feel heavy at times. Weighing factors like cost-effectiveness or cost avoidance is enough to overwhelm anybody. Let’s make sure you have all the information you need here with these frequently asked questions about call log monitors.

What do I need to know before choosing a call log monitoring software service?

When considering a trial service it’s important to keep these factors in mind:

  • Does it integrate and/or is it already integrated into a CRM?
  • What does the customer support side look like for you?
  • How easy is the software to navigate?
  • What does your team think of the features provided?

Asking these questions can ensure the right outcomes for everyone.\

Can I download call log history?

Absolutely! You can download call log history and much more! Ringy gives you access to detailed analytics (call timing, call duration, sales rep identification, follow-up, etc.). Why just settle for a simple call log; which, let's face it, is only of limited utility to managers. Ringy’s service includes ALL of this.

Even better, this eliminates the need for sales reps or managers to have to manually document this information: the software does all the heavy lifting for you. This saves your team time on admin tasks and lets them focus on chasing leads and connecting for sales.

How much does call monitoring software service cost?

Some call log monitoring systems can cost hundreds of dollars per month. Worse, some of those services cost thousands of dollars and lock you into a contract.

But with Ringy, you can choose what fits your team’s needs best with our packages. We designed this CRM with built-in call log monitoring because we know that you have to watch your bottom line.

Best of all, it’s only $109/month to access the most comprehensive features and tools of call monitoring that are sure to skyrocket your sales numbers.

Call Log Monitoring is Just What Your Business Needs to Reduce Call Reluctance Syndrome

Call reluctance syndrome

We’ve come a long way since Alexander Graham Bell said “Mr. Watson, come here–I want to see you”, huh? Bet he never dreamed how far this invention would go.

Good news for you….you don’t have to dream about it.

Call log monitoring software is the golden ticket you need to get rid of call reluctance for good.

Here’s a condensed summary of all the reasons sales teams should be using call monitoring software and what benefits this provides for everyone.

Reasons Sales Teams Should Use Call Monitoring Software

Key Benefits

Recording Data

  • Specified analytics
  • Trend identification
  • Converting more leads

Quality Assurance

  • Improved CX
  • Sales rep efficiency
  • Tailored sales cadences


  • Provides a blueprint for future sales plans
  • Customer retention
  • Marketing

Optimizing Sales Strategy

  • Provides a blueprint for global selling
  • Campaign management
  • Pipeline visibility

Increased Productivity

  • Increased sales
  • Morale boost for the whole team
  • Cut down on wasted time


  • Decrease training time for new hires
  • Ensure training materials stay up to date and relevant to market demand
  • Improve sales cadence

So where do you go from here? Start a free trial with us today, with no obligations, and see for yourself how call log monitoring can elevate the performance of your sales team and reduce call reluctance.

Skyrocket your sales with the CRM that does it all

Skyrocket your sales with the CRM that does it all.

Calling? Check. SMS? Check. Automation and AI? Check. Effortlessly keep in touch with your customers and boost your revenue without limits.

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