5 Tried-and-True Sales Leads Generation Strategies

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Generating leads is a crucial aspect of any sales process. Businesses can identify potential customers and nurture them through the sales funnel. However, with so many strategies and techniques, it can be overwhelming to know where to start.

That's why we've compiled a list of five tried-and-true sales lead-generation strategies that have repeatedly proven effective.

But first, did you know businesses with a strong lead generation process generate 50% more sales-ready leads at a 33% lower cost? That's just one of the many compelling statistics demonstrating the importance of a solid lead-generation strategy.

So, whether you're a small business owner looking to generate more leads or a seasoned sales professional looking to fine-tune your lead-generation techniques, these five tried-and-true strategies will help you achieve your goals.


What Are Sales Leads?

Sales leads are potential customers who have expressed an interest in a company's products or services.

They are generally generated through various marketing efforts, such as advertising, social media, email campaigns, or trade shows.

There are a few different types of sales leads, which we'll look at in the next section. But it's important to note that not all leads will become customers.

Generating sales leads aims to identify potential customers interested in a company's products or services and to nurture those leads until they are ready to purchase.

This is typically done through lead nurturing, which involves building relationships with potential customers through targeted marketing efforts and providing valuable information to help them make informed decisions.

6 Types of Sales Leads

Types of Sales Leads

Knowing the different categories of sales leads can help you generate more leads and close more deals. To help you get started, here are six sales leads you should be aware of:

Hot Leads

Hot leads are the most valuable and ready-to-buy leads. These prospects have already shown interest in your product or service and are actively seeking a solution. They typically have a high level of urgency and are willing to purchase quickly.

When a client visits your website numerous times, submits an information request form, and then calls your sales team to book a demo. That's the perfect definition of a hot lead.

Warm Leads

Warm leads are prospects who have shown some interest in your product or service but have yet to be ready to purchase. They may be in the early stages of the buying process, gathering information and comparing different options.

Cold Leads

Prospects who have never interacted with your business are called "cold leads." They may need to understand that you can solve their problem through your product or service.

Cold leads require a lot of effort to nurture, as they will require education and nurturing over time. Cold leads usually become warmer when the salesperson adds value with an effective lead-nurturing campaign.

Information Qualified Leads (IQL)

Information qualified leads (IQL) are prospects who have expressed interest in your product or service and have provided enough information for your sales team to follow up with them.

These leads are typically further along in the buying process and may be considering multiple options.

An example of an IQL is a customer who has filled out a form on your website to receive more information about the product. They are interested but have yet to be ready to buy.

Sales Qualified Leads (SQL)

Sales-qualified leads (SQL) are prospects who have been qualified by your sales team as ready to move to the next stage of the buying process. This typically involves a more in-depth conversation with a sales representative to determine fit and discuss pricing.

A customer who has shown interest in your product or service by scheduling a demonstration with the sales team and providing details about their budget and requirements is an identified Sales Qualified Lead (SQL).

Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL)

Lastly, marketing qualified leads (MQL) are prospects your marketing team has identified as most likely to purchase. These leads have already expressed interest and may be further along in their buying journey than other leads.

They may have downloaded a whitepaper, attended a webinar, or filled out a form on your website.

An example of an MQL is a customer who has read multiple blog posts, visited your website a few times, and subscribed to your email list. They are more likely to become a customer than someone who has just visited your website once.

Businesses can streamline their sales lead management, scoring, and nurturing process with the help of customer relationship management (CRM) systems and marketing automation technologies. These powerful tools enable companies to generate more leads while also increasing efficiency.

How to Create Sales Leads Lists?

How to Create Sales Leads Lists

A sales leads list is a list of potential customers you can contact to try and sell your product or service. Creating one of these lists can be the key to generating more sales leads.

We've outlined the proper steps to help you create a successful sales leads list.

1. Identify Your Target Audience

Identifying your target audience is important in creating a sales leads list because it helps you focus your efforts on the people most likely to be interested in your product or service.

There are a few key steps to identifying your target audience:

  • Define your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP): An ICP is a detailed description of your ideal customer based on demographics, behaviors, needs, and pain points. By defining your ICP, you can clearly understand the people you should target with your marketing and sales efforts.
  • Create Buyer Personas: A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer based on data and research about your target audience. By creating buyer personas, you can better understand your target audience and how they make purchasing decisions.

Once you clearly understand your target audience, you can use this information to create a sales leads list tailored to their needs and interests.

2. Research Your Target Audience

Researching your target audience helps create sales leads lists by providing necessary information about the following areas:

Types of Target Audience


Demographic Data

Utilizing demographic data to build a list of leads more likely to buy what you're offering puts you one step closer to success.

Firmographic Data

Firmographic data allows businesses to pinpoint ideal customers in more detail, including details about the size, industry, and location of a company.

It is an essential tool that allows organizations to expand their customer base by connecting them with prospects from specific sectors or places.

Technographic Data

By leveraging this data type, businesses gain insight into the technology their potential customers use.

This can be invaluable in identifying opportunities for companies to market their relevant products and services.

Psychographic Data

Utilizing psychographic data gives companies insight into potential customers' attitudes, interests, and values.

With this knowledge, businesses can utilize these shared affinities to craft lists of leads that are more likely to engage with their products or services.

By taking the time to delve into your target audience, you can gain valuable insights about potential customers and ultimately create more focused and successful sales leads lists.

3. Collect, Filter, and Link All the Data

Collecting all the data in one place allows for a comprehensive overview of potential sales leads. This includes information such as contact information, industry, company size, and previous interactions with the company.

In addition to collecting data, businesses should also filter their data for accuracy and link all the different datasets together.

Lastly, linking all the data in one place allows for easy tracking and analysis of sales lead interactions. Using a CRM (customer relationship management) tool, sales teams can track and manage all interactions with potential leads in one place. This includes emails, phone calls, meetings, and other forms of communication.

According to a research report by Zippia, 45% of companies that use customer relationship management (CRM) software have experienced increased sales revenue. The same study found that 47% of businesses experienced an improvement in their customer retention rate after they started using CRM to track and manage their sales leads.

In summary, collecting, filtering, and linking all the data in one place through a CRM can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of sales lead management.

How to Track Sales Leads

How to Track Sales Leads

Tracking sales leads is essential to any business, as it helps you understand where they are in the sales cycle, who they’re talking to, and how far along they are.

That said, the following methods can help you track sales leads and monitor progress:

1. Create a Consistent Email Sequence

To track sales leads, create a consistent email sequence, such as drip campaigns that you can use to nurture potential customers and keep them engaged.

This should include emails that focus on educating the lead about your company, product, or service and providing valuable information to help them make an informed decision.

2. Follow-Ups are a Must

Follow-up emails are essential to track sales leads and ensure that potential customers stay engaged. Lead follow-ups allow your sales team to track which leads engage with the emails and which do not.

By following up with leads who have not responded to the initial emails, the sales team can identify any potential roadblocks or areas of interest hindering the lead's decision to purchase.

3. Use Customer Relationship Management(CRM) Software

Using a CRM to track sales leads can help a business in several ways:



Centralized Database

CRMs have a centralized database of all customer and prospect information, allowing sales reps to quickly access and update information about leads and opportunities.

Lead Tracking

With a CRM, businesses can easily monitor their sales leads' progress and access valuable information such as the source of lead generation, contact details for each prospect, plus any corresponding communication or activities associated with them.

Lead Scoring

An efficient CRM system can help a business assign value to each lead based on their aptitude for conversion and the projected worth of any possible sale.


With a CRM, time-consuming lead management tasks such as organizing follow-up emails or scheduling appointments can be automated, facilitating a more efficient sales process.


With a CRM, you gain valuable data into your sales process like which lead sources are the most beneficial and where in the pipeline delays are occurring.

5 Strategies to Generate Qualified Sales Leads

Strategies to Generate Qualified Sales Leads

Generating sales leads is a crucial part of sales and marketing. With sales leads, a business will have customers to sell its products or services to.

That said, here are five strategies you can use to generate qualified sales leads:

Strategy #1. Invest in a CRM Alongside Sales Automation Tools

Sales automation tools can help generate qualified sales leads in several ways. These tools can streamline and automate sales-related processes, such as lead generation, tracking, and nurturing.

This can help sales teams focus on more high-value activities, such as qualification and closing, rather than spending time on manual, time-consuming tasks.

One key aspect of sales automation is customer relationship management (CRM) software. A CRM system helps organizations manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle.

This includes tracking customer interactions, such as phone calls and emails, and storing customer information, such as contact details and purchasing history.

By integrating a sales automation tool with a CRM system, sales teams can better track and manage leads, identify patterns and trends in customer behavior, and tailor their sales approach to individual customers.

According to a study by Nucleus Research, companies that implemented CRM saw an average return on investment (ROI) of $8.71 for every dollar spent.

This shows that sales automation tools can be invaluable for sales teams looking to generate qualified sales leads.

Strategy #2. Use Lead Generating Ads

Lead-generating ads are a great way to capture potential customers’ attention and get them interested in your products or services.

These ads typically include a form the customer must fill out to receive a free sample, discount, or other offers.

When customers fill out the form, their contact information is collected and stored in your sales database. This makes it easy for sales teams to track and follow up with leads.

You can use lead-generating ads on various platforms, such as social media sites, search engines, and email marketing campaigns.

Strategy #3. Improve Your Website's Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Improve Your Website's Search Engine Optimization

By optimizing the website for specific keywords and phrases related to their products or services, businesses can increase the chances of their website ranking higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

This is important because research shows that 75% of users do not click past the first page of search results.

When a user searches for a specific product or service, they actively seek out information on that topic. This means that the user is more likely to be interested in purchasing the product or service, making them a qualified lead.

Additionally, SEO helps businesses build credibility and trust with potential customers. When a website ranks highly on search engines, it gives the impression that the business is reputable and trustworthy.

This is important because research shows that 53% of consumers research a company or product online before making a purchase. By investing in SEO, businesses can increase their chances of being found and trusted by potential customers.

Strategy #4. Double-Down on Email Marketing

Email marketing involves sending emails containing company updates, promotions, special offers, or other content designed to interest the reader in your products or services.

The key is to ensure you’re only targeting those likely to be interested in your products or services. You can do this by segmenting your contact list and only sending emails to those who have previously expressed an interest in a related topic.

You should also use effective email marketing tactics, such as personalization, testing different subject lines, and tracking open and click-through rates.

By double-downing on email marketing and following best practices, sales teams can generate more sales leads and improve their chances of success.

Strategy #5. Leverage Social Media Platforms

We are all well aware that social media has become more than just a way to keep in touch with our loved ones. Currently, sales teams have an unparalleled opportunity to generate highly coveted leads and boost their profitability using social media platforms.

  • First, social media platforms allow businesses to target specific demographics and interests, which helps to ensure that the leads generated are more likely to be interested in the product or service being offered.
  • Second, social media platforms allow businesses to engage with potential leads in a more personal and interactive way. This allows companies to build trust and establish a relationship with potential leads, which can ultimately lead to higher conversion rates.
  • Third, social media platforms allow businesses to track and analyze customer behavior and interactions, which can provide valuable insights into the needs and preferences of potential leads.

Overall, leveraging social media platforms can help businesses generate more qualified sales leads by targeting specific demographics, building relationships with potential leads, and gathering valuable customer insights.

How to Improve Your Sales Leads Generation

How to Improve Your Sales Leads Generation

After implementing all the basics in your lead generation strategies, you can take your sales leads generation up a notch. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Tip #1. Identify Your Target Audience

Before you can effectively generate sales leads, it's essential to have a clear understanding of who your target audience is. This will help you tailor your marketing and sales efforts to your ideal customers' specific needs and interests.

Consider factors such as:

  • Demographics of your target audience,
  • Their pain points, and
  • The solutions your product or service can provide for them.

Tip #2. Use Multiple Lead-Generation Channels

Don't rely on just one method for generating leads. Instead, you can use multiple tactics to reach potential customers through various channels. This can include email marketing, social media advertising, content marketing, and paid search advertising.

By diversifying your lead generation efforts, you'll be more likely to reach a wider audience and increase your chances of success.

Tip #3. Utilize Lead Magnets

A lead magnet is a piece of valuable content or offers used to attract and capture the attention of potential customers. Some examples of lead magnets include ebooks, webinars, free trials, and demos.

You can effectively generate leads and build your email list by offering value to potential customers in exchange for their contact information.

Tip #4. Use Customer Testimonials and Case Studies

According to a survey by Nielsen, 70% of global consumers say they are more likely to trust a product or service when they see recommendations from others.

You can build credibility and trust with potential leads by featuring customer testimonials and case studies on your website or social media channels.

Sales Leads Software for Lead Generation

The right sales leads software could be invaluable if you want to elevate your lead generation efforts. Here are some of the finest options on the market today:

Ringy CRM (That's us)

Ringy CRM

Ringy CRM is renowned for its quality, making it the preferred choice when searching for a sales lead monitoring system.

One of the standout features of Ringy CRM is the lead nurturing tool, which allows you to set up automated email campaigns to keep in touch with leads and keep them engaged with your company. This can be a powerful tool for building relationships and keeping leads warm until they are ready to purchase.

Tracking sales leads has never been easier with Ringy. Our tracking communications system lets you quickly view sales activity and capture insights that help you understand customer behavior.

With our software, sales leads become sales success stories. We make it easy to generate sales leads and track sales activity, so you can focus on closing more deals.




Pipedrive is a sales CRM designed to help sales teams track leads and close deals more efficiently. It's an intuitive platform with features that make it easy to manage your sales pipeline, track sales activities, and analyze performance.

One of the main advantages of Pipedrive is its integration with popular apps such as Google Contacts, Gmail, and Zapier. This makes it easy to sync sales leads with your existing systems and tools for a seamless workflow.

The lead tracking features are handy, allowing sales reps to track leads from start to finish. This includes adding notes, setting reminders, and tracking conversions.




AeroLeads is a sales lead tracking software that helps sales teams generate and track leads more efficiently. The platform allows sales reps to capture data from prospects, including contact information, job titles, and social media profiles.

The automated lead-tracking tools help sales reps stay on top of their leads by sending notifications when leads view content, open emails, or take other sales-related actions.

Lastly, AeroLeads offers a range of reporting features to help sales teams track performance, measure ROI, and uncover insights to optimize sales strategies. It's a great sales leads software for sales teams looking to get more out of their lead generation efforts.

Sales Qualified Leads Facts You Should Know

Knowing the facts about sales-qualified leads can help you create a more effective sales process and increase sales.

So, here are some sales-qualified leads facts you should know:

1. Sales Leads Don't Necessarily Mean Qualified Leads

Not all sales leads are sales-qualified leads. A sales lead is a potential customer interested in your product or service. It doesn't necessarily mean that the person is qualified to purchase what you're offering.

2. Quality Is More Important Than Quantity

Don’t focus on generating thousands of sales leads; focus on generating sales-qualified leads. Quality is more important than quantity, as the right leads are more likely to become customers.

3. You Should Have A Process In Place To Track Leads

Once you’ve identified sales-qualified leads, you should have a process to track them. This includes collecting contact info, regularly following up on sales leads, and tracking sales lead to progress. By having a system in place, you’ll be able to monitor your sales-qualified leads better to maximize sales.

4. You Need A System To Generate Leads

To generate sales-qualified leads, you need a system to help you find potential sales-qualified leads. This system can include online ads, social media marketing, content marketing, and more.

With a sales lead generation strategy in place, you’ll be able to attract more sales-qualified leads.

5. You Should Follow Up On Leads Quickly

If you wait too long to follow up on sales-qualified leads, they may move on to another business or forget their interest in your product or service.

Following up quickly shows that you’re committed to providing a quality customer experience and increasing your chances of making sales.


Sales Leads Conclusion

You now know your qualified sales leads, how to create sales leads lists, track them, and more. Generating sales leads can be challenging, but with the right techniques and strategies described above, you can make it easier for yourself.

With Ringy, you can access all your sales lead information in one place. Our software makes it efficient to track sales leads and turn them into customer success stories. Try Ringy today, and start driving sales growth with a comprehensive sales lead strategy.

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